I grab Calvin's hand and Aubree's is arm running to his backyard fence. I put my hand out as a guard and Aubree noticed this, placing her foot on it trying to climb over the fence. Calvin looked at me weirdly.
"What about you?"He asked, concerned.
"Aw! Are you worried about me Calvin?" I teased him slightly.
"No, you're just too short to climb over on your own." I slapped his shoulder and brought my arms down, one more time. "Don't worry about me I'll get over. Help me with Aubree, she probably will pass out." he placed his foot into my hand and I pushed him up and over the wall than I help with Aubree who was giggling, and when she saw Calvin, she awed and fell down on top of him.
A flashlight was pointed at me and the cop spoke.
"Hey kid what happened here!" I froze slightly but immediately got into character. I sniffed and had a few fake tears roll down my cheek.
"I was taking my dog on a walk- and I know he is supposed to be on a leash but it fell off-" I sniffled slightly. "he ran off and I ran after him but I saw him run into through here, Most people laughing and drink some really smelly stuff. I saw my dog run back here and under the fence, can I please go get him before he gets hurt." I lied easily, sniffing slightly.
I wipe my eyes, as he placed a hand on to my shoulder.
"Kid, I'm sorry to go ahead." he softly said.
"Thank you mister policeman." I ran forward with a slight laugh at their stupidity, and turned around and ran toward the fences "For falling for my stupid story." I yelled at them whizzing past, I jumped up the gate and swing my legs over falling slowly on to the ground. I roll up and to my heels into a crouching position. I look over to see Aubree who looks like she gonna pass out, she was laying against Calvin mumbling something about how cute puppies are, and Calvin shaking and holding his mouth tightly, face all red.
"Are you okay?" I whispered. He nodded slightly and started shaking more than before I got to my feet.
"Why are you shaking then," I said I walk up to him slowly, but then only realized he was trying not to laugh loudly.
"Come on dummy, Aubree Let go home get you home to rest." I grab Aubree arm placing it around my neck and sweeping the 120-pound girl off of her feet with ease.
"Isn't she heavy?" he asked.
"Every had a 300-pound Wardrobe on top of you?"
"There you go."
We walked in silence through the park near the edge of town to head to our separate house. Until Calvin spoke up.
"Zachary I'd like to said I'm sorry about getting your sister drunk. I didn't know she was a light drinker," he said, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"It fine as long as I didn't get drunk, everybody is safe," I said.
"Have you been drunk before?" he asked.
"Yeah, Once I still don't even remember any of it, but the next morning I woke up in the hospital strapped down in a bed, Apparently I beat up a guy, so bad he still in the hospital. I was told we had to move, and well here were are on this small town. ." I said we continue walking down the street in silence.
"Can I ask a question?" he asked.
"You just did."
"You know what I mean," he said, annoyed, I gave him a glare and Aubree just giggled at us. I rolled my eyes her.

Fear the devil
Misterio / SuspensoZachary and his family move to a new town. On his first day of his new school he gets into a fight, where he gets dared to go to the town's haunted house. What will happen when a blue eyed girl decides to tag along? and what fears will be brought to...