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I hope you enjoy this chapter!


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"Alright class." Tsukishima's teacher spoke in fluent English making the small class look to him(1/2). "Some of you may know about this but every year we do a Japanese/American student hosting with our partner school, Tenru High in (state), America", their teacher Mr. Doe said (3/4). Tsukishima sighed internally but paid attention to his teacher. "The letter I am passing out is optional, meaning you don't have to bring back", Mr. Doe started handing out the papers, "but if you want to participate and be a host of an American student you will have to bring it back signed". Mr. Doe set the letter on Tsukishima's desk, to which the boy picked it up to read.


To Whom It May Concern,

Every year Karasuno High School participates in a hosting between a partner school in (state) America, Tenru High. The students in Advanced English have the opportunity to go to America and visit many beautiful sights there along with their host as long as they host them in return. The students who host receive twenty (20) extra credit points along with the experience of going to America for a month. The plane ticket there and back are bought by the school and the only money needed is for food and such in America. If you are willing to host a student for a month please sign on the line below and fill out the following information:

x ___________________________________

Full Name (Print):

Contact Information:
Phone #: _____________________________


Members of the house
Names: Age:
_______________________________ ______
_______________________________ ______
_______________________________ ______
_______________________________ ______
_______________________________ ______
_______________________________ ______
_______________________________ ______

House Pets
Name: Type:
________________________ _____________
________________________ _____________
________________________ _____________
________________________ _____________
________________________ _____________

Host Name (Print): Age:
_______________________________ ______

Host Signature:

Extra Information:

For further information or concerns contact me at:
###-###-#### or *******@ *****.***.



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John Doe


Tsukishima rolled his eyes and folded the paper carefully and stuck it in the front pocket of his binder before packing up as they only had 3 more minutes of class.

☾ •⋅ T i m e s k i p ⋅• ☽

Tsukishima slid his headphones to him neck as he stepped inside his house after the exhausting day he had at school. He set his bag on the dining room table and took out his binder so he can finish his math homework quickly but remembered Yamaguchi borrowed his pencil and forgot to give it back. He sighed and went up to his room to grab a pencil and came back down stairs to find his brother, Aki (Akiteru), looking at a piece of once folded paper whilst standing in front of his binder.

It quickly clicked in his mind that he was reading the host letter his teacher gave him and he quickly sped walked to Aki to take the paper. Aki quickly reacted and used his back as a shield and held the letter out while still reading it. "Aki give it back." Kei said slightly irritated. "No, I'm reading it." Aki said happily and continued to read it before a small hand grabbed it, making both the boys stop. "Oh, what's this?" The boys' mom held the letter and quickly read through it, making Kei groan lightly. "Mom..." Kei said and glared at Aki already knowing his mom is going to make him do it. She was all about him making memories and such and jumped at any possible moment to allow (make) him go do so. Her eyes quickly lit up as she finished the letter. "Kei! Honey, this is grea-" she started but Kei cut her off. "No mom, I don't want to do this stupid hosting." Kei quickly stated and pushed up his glasses. "Honey! This is such a great opportunity. You are doing it." His mom said with a smile on her face. "But mom...Do we even have an extra room for them to sleep?" Kei asked trying to convince his mom to not make him do this. "Well they will most likely be a boy so they can sleep with you!" his mom said. "But what if-" Kei was cut off by his mom. "If it turns out to be a female then Aki can clean out our unused office. You are doing this whether you want to or not." His mother said with an almost evil smile before going back into the kitchen to continue with dinner. Kei instantly went back to glaring at Aki who had a small smile on his face. "Its going to be fun." Aki said and went back into the living room. Kei let out a small irritated groan and ran his hand through his hair. Today was not his day.

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Please vote, comment and share. It really does help me know you guys are enjoying my book and pushes me to write more!


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1: " 'Alright class.' ", any time the characters are speaking English it will be in bold as to know whether they are speaking in Japanese or English.
2: "...spoke in fluent English...", In Advanced English the students are expected to speak and be able to understand English at any given time.
3: " 'Some of you may know about this... ", because not many students take Advanced English the class is small and a mix of all three years, but mostly 2nd and 3rd years.
4: "...Mr. Doe...", John Doe and Jane Doe are multiple-use names that are used when the true name of a person is unknown...
5: " To Whom It May Concern...", is used when you are writing a letter and the identity of the person reading it is not yet known.

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Word Count: 936
Published: 10/29/18
Status: unedited

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