Chapter One

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Starting a new boarding school never mind new city, will always be hard, especially on your first day. I was just glad I had my best friend Emma with me. We were starting this school in Adelaide, my step-mum, Helen, called it 'the best in the country' but I knew she just wanted rid of me to have my dad to herself. I have 3 half sisters you see, so she really doesn't give a damn about what happens to me. My mum past away when I was 6, I only have some very distant memories of her, but god do I miss her like crazy. Sometimes, when Helen, or who will now be referred to as bitchface, is going crazy at me for not doing something, I go into my room and just lie on my bed, close my eyes and imagine what she would say. She keeps me sane most days, well as sane as you can be talking to a dead parent.

My dad decided it would be a good idea to go to my school early, early. Like they weren't getting rid of me for a year already. See, at the school I'm going to, they don't give you a holiday longer than a long weekend, so since I live on the other side of the country, my family agreed there was no point in them coming to visit as I would hardly get to see them, my step-sisters (as they always remind me im not truly part of the family) are brats anyway so I guess you could say I'm better off without them. I just hope they don't transform my room to like a playroom or something for my sisters, since I wont be using it for a year, and to think I thought my family loved me. You would think i was joking, that no parent couldn't favourite their other children so much, right? Well, I guess my family, if you could even call them that, is the exception. 

Hours and hours in a car with my dad and bitchface drove me crazy. I was in a confined space for hours on end with people I should love, but hate, like anything could go wrong. Once again, I spoke to soon, as soon as I got in the car and I got my earphones in, I could hear the distant shouting of bitchface probably trying to make my life more of a living hell. In my opinion, going to boarding school sounded like the perfect life, even more perfect as it was on the other side of the country. 


Seeing the sign above the drive reading 'St Ninians' made me cringe. Great, it was a religious school, like I hadn't suffered enough. Looking down from the sign, I already saw people unloading their trunks from the boots of their cars and lifting them in to an old building. My first smile of the day arrived on my face when I saw my best friend Emma looking lost. As soon as the car stopped I jumped out and ran over to her glad to see someone I actually liked and cared about. She spotted me and grinned. "Look over their Amy", I turned to look where she was pointing and saw four tall cute boys that looked as if they want to be here as much as we did. "Oh they are cute!", turning back to give Emma a hug. "At least there is cute boys here, it might help with the year we are about to have" she said as I nodded agreeing with her. "Amy! Get over here right now and pick up your things! Your dad and I have to go!", I rolled my eyes, 2 minutes she lasted, 2 fucking minutes and then they 'had' to go home. I walked over deliberately walking extremely slow to make her angry, but she lost her patience and  walked over to me and grabbed my arm and pulled me along, my dad just standing next to the car shaking his head at me. I lifted my things and turned to give my dad a hug to discover he was already in the car waiting for me to close the door and say goodbye to them for a year. Aren't my family fabulous?

Watching their car back out of the driveway had to be one of the best moments ever. I was finally free from bitchface's wrath, she couldn't hurt me when we were on opposite ends of the country. I walked back over to Emma who was now with her very loving parents, who were in tears to leave her, but since her parents actually loved her, they were coming to spend every holiday with her. I can't deny that I was jealous. She had the perfect parents in my eyes. Well, perfect parents according to me is parents that actually loved you. 

I left them to have a moment and went inside looking at ever little crack in the wallpaper at the old fashioned building. The walls were quite dull, but in the corners there was fancy pillars, like the ones in Rome, making the room look sort of livable. The halls were actually pretty crowded, especially since it was Friday and term didn't begin until Monday. I had a weekend to settle in before being bombarded with schoolwork, which was the bonus to getting dropped off early. I was too busy looking at everything I walked right into someone. I looked at him, realising it was one of the cute boys we saw. "Oh sorry I wasn't looking", I managed to squeak out looking to the floor. "its alright, I'm Michael, whats your name?", I look back up at him "Amy", smiling slightly as Emma walked up behind me. "and I'm Emma", she added in nudging me in the shoulder. Michael looks at her "nice to meet you Emma, I'm Michael and my friends over there are Calum, Ashton and Luke", pointing to 3 boys standing in the corner. We waved at them and the waved back. "Is this your first year here?", he asked and we both nodded, "Would you like me and my friends to show you about?", new friends already, looks like we are off to a good start! Emma replied "Yeah sure that would be great! Can we go to our room first?", looking down at our bags. "Oh yeah sure lets find out what room you're in", and walks over to the notice board with the sheet of paper on it. He returns with a smile on his face. "Well you're out of luck, your on the top floor. We are on the floor below, but would you like a hand with your bags?", gentlemanly too, I think this is going to be a good year.

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