Chapter Two

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Michael opened the door for me as I entered slowly into my new room. It was a decent size, bigger than my small one at home, but then again, I didn't have to share. I watched as Michael walked over to the edge of my bed and put my trunk down as the blonde one, who I now know was Luke, carried Emma's over to her bed. The room was split in two, half for me and half for Emma. We each had a chest of drawers, small wardrobe, desk and a single bed. It was dull. The tiny window let in hardly any light and the light on the ceiling wasn't any brighter. The dark brown walls made everything look disgusting and old. Emma, loved to decorate and I could already tell she couldn't wait to start this new project.

I walked over and stood in the middle of the room for a while, trying to imagine all the memories it must hold. This school looked so old it must have been here for decades. Well, the room sure looked like it.

Michael and Luke were looking about. I watched Michael as his eyes landed on Emma, I smiled. I knew that look. That was the 'wow she is so pretty' look. I walked over to the small window and tried to look outside. We were by the sea and in the distance I could slightly make out the beach. God, I hope we were allowed to go there and surf. Ever since I was a little girl I've always wanted to learn. My mum was a junior champion where she grew up and she taught me how taught me how even though I was young when she passed. I always told myself I would keep it up and surf more for her. But, my dad found 'true love' again with bitchface and that dream crashed as he slid the golden ring onto her finger, granting her all of our things and of course, control of me and my dad. I was banished to the loft so her daughters could get the rooms. Sounds like Cinderella, I know. I guess some fairy tales do come true, sadly mine is without a happy ending.

Someone was knocking on the door as I turned around to see one of Micheal's friends in front of me. In my opinion, he was the cutest. "Calum!!", Michael shouted and he walked over to him. He put his hand on Calum's back, "this is Emma and Amy", pointing to both of us. I lifted my arm and gave him an awkward wave that I instantly regretted. Why was I so awkward around boys? It was easy for Emma. She walked up to him and shook his hand as he looked at her funny. She was very polite, her parents brought her up to be like that. Michael walked over to me and pulled me aside. "So you like Calum then?" I looked up at him eyes wide wondering how he knew. "How d-", he interrupted and said, "I just seem to know which girls like him. Its a blessing and a curse. Want me to find out if he likes you?" I looked to the floor again not really wanting to ever find out the answer, I wanted to embrace the moment where he could like me, before I'm told he doesn't. Emma, Calum and Luke joined us and the boys started to talk about the football trials and getting space to practice their band. "You're in a band?" Emma questioned, they started laughing while Michael replied "yeah, is that so hard to believe?", which made Emma blush in the realisation that she sounded as if she was questioning them. In my opinion, she was, but just doesn't want to admit it.

Suddenly, we heard a bell coming from downstairs and what sounded like an old women shouting. I hardly managed to hear her muffled voice which was swallowed up in the footsteps the were now pounding the halls. I looked to Emma confused but Calum, Luke and Michael just started walking towards the door. "Wait" I called, "Where are we going?" Calum turned around answering "its dinner", and started walking again. I looked to Emma "What? its only 5!" Emma looked confused as me. 

We followed the crowd that led us to the dining hall. There looked to be hundreds of students attending this school, most probably not here yet although the hall looked pretty full. The hall was huge, the line for food was even bigger. We stepped in the line trying to see what there was to eat. Whatever it was, it didn't look very tasty. 

20 minutes. 20 minutes it took before we reached the front of the line. No wonder everyone was rushing to the hall. I looked at all the tables, they were nearly full, but no one was eating. Strange, who wouldn't eat? I picked up a tray and plate and handed it to the dinner lady behind the counter. "Can I-" She dumped something onto my plate and handed it to the next dinner lady. I shuffled along the queue until I was at the end picking my drink. It was water or milk. What type of school was this? One for 5 year old's?

Emma was behind me. We walked to two empty seats near Michael, Luke, Calum and Ashton and sat down. I was about to start when I got a glare from the curly haired one (which I believe to be Ashton) which made me stop and wait for whatever we were waiting for. A teacher, the head mistress I'm assuming, stood up from the teachers table and called for silence. Everyone joined hands, I was still confused, but I went along with it. "May God bless us and our food", the teacher called out. Everyone replied with "Amen". That second, I realised again that this was a Catholic school and everything clicked in. I began to eat the mess on my plate trying not to show my disgust as I put my fork in my mouth. It might be good to be away from my family, but I miss my fridge. 

I stood up to leave but that earned me another glare from the curly haired boy and sat back down. What is up with this school. The same teacher stood up again "You may all be excused", and suddenly everyone stood up lifting their trays over to the clean up bit and placed them down and left. I copied others and headed back to my dorm following the crowd. I looked at Emma and she looked at me. Was this place the best idea?

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