Chapter Six

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Okay guys, I have changed this story a lot. I have deleted, edited and rearranged bits and bobs so please go back and read the first 5 chapters. This story will be getting on track shortly and I will hopefully be updating more regularly (dont keep me to that please im sorry if it doesnt work out). Anyways, a new chapter! At last! It sure took me long enough right? Hope you enjoyyyy


I was anxiously waiting to get a text back from Cal. It had been 5 minutes. Maybe he fell asleep? Did I scare him by saying date? Was it supposed to be a date? Oh god what did I just do. I can't even take it back. Did I just wreck a friendship that was just forming? Was it even a friendship? Why is this so confusing it would be so much easier if he liked me. I do like him though right? I felt my phone vibrate on my bed and quickly picked it up. It was a text from Cal. I opened it quickly scared for what it could say.

"Well, would u say yes if it was?"


I thought for a minute trying to think of a reply, I mean what do I say? Yes? No? Maybe? I don't know? I stared at his reply, he was teasing me. Payback time.

"Hmmmm, i dont know. Why dont u ask me and we can find out? *smirk face emoji*"

I clicked send, pretty proud of myself for my reply. I looked over at Emma's bed to see if she was sleeping. She was on her phone too. "Emma, what you doing? Texting anyone special?" I whispered, incase Mrs Chesnut happened to walk by and hear us. She looked at me with a blush. "oh you are!! Who is it? Mikey? When did you even get his number?" She started blushing even more. I knew he liked her, KNEW IT! I got out of bed and went over to hers, taking the phone out of her hand and reading their chat. They were talking about today, god boringgggg. I rolled my eyes as I saw mikey text "you looked beautiful today, just to let you know *red heart emoji* x" cheesy af right? She took her phone back embarrassed by what I just saw. "What about you then Amy? I saw that smile a few minutes ago. Whats Cal been saying hmm?" I rolled my eyes at her again, she knew me too well. She snatched my phone out of my hand and looked at our chat with wide eyes. "OH MY FUCKING GOD AMY CAL FUCKING ASKED YOU OUT???" she quietly shouted. "Shhhh Emma, Mrs Chestnut could here us!!" I grabbed my phone back from her hand and saw the three dots at the bottom of the chat. I quickly locked my phone not wanting to see his reply just yet. I walked back over to my bed and lay back down. My phone vibrated. I took a deep breath and looked at it. You can do this Amy. Be calm.

"Well okay then."

Thats it? Is he not going to ask me something? I looked at my phone puzzled until another message appeared at the bottom of the screen.

"Amy,would you like to go on a date with me? I know I would love that."

I couldn't help it. I grinned and jumped up and down on my bed. Emma came over to me and read the text. She started dancing. I picked up my phone again calming down a bit and typed out a reply.

"I would love to too. When and where? x"

I hesitantly pressed send with the kiss at the end. I am really not used to this. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I pressed send, relaxing and waiting for a reply. A minute later I got a reply.

"How about tomorrow? Head into the village? Most likely surf. We should leave early tho cos its a sunday and we have to be back in school for 4 for dinner at 5. What do u think? xx"

Is this actually happening?? Tomorrow? What about Emma? Can I leave her for a full day when its only our second full day at this place? I looked over at her smiling away at her phone. "Emma, cal wants to take me out tomorrow. Would you be okay with that? I don't want you to be lonely." She doesn't even look at me, too busy texting Mikey I'm guessing. At least she listened though. "Yeah that's fine Amy, Mikey wants to take me a tour of the school anyway. I won't be alone. You don't need to worry," giving me a sincere smile. I looked at my phone and once again typed out my reply.

"Yeah sounds great! How early are we talking though? x"

If it was like today then it should be fine. Well it will be if I sleep soon. I don't want to be moany on our first date. Looking at the time I saw it was 10.25pm. Shit. Mrs Chestnut could come by any minute. "Emma! Put your phone away! Mrs Chestnut could be here any second!!" Emma quickly hid her phone just as I started to here footsteps. I got comfortable and shut my eyes, Emma doing the same. A second later we heard a door being closed and ours being opened. The clicking of her shoes taking her in between our beds. I didn't make a sound. She could not know we were awake. I wouldn't get to go on my date for ages! She would no doubt keep us in for a term! She hates us that much! I heard her start to walk away, but then I heard drawers being opened. She was looking through our stuff?? Creep!!!! I heard her walk again and then another drawer being opened. She is so strict. What did she expect us to have in them except clothes?? Oh shit she is probably checking for more 'junk' or 'ludicrous objects' (padded bras) to make sure we gave her them all. Good thing Cal told us to put them under the mattress. She couldn't check that while we slept.

Finally, I heard her walk away and close the door. We staying quiet for a wee bit longer until we heard the next door open. I opened my eyes again and looked at Emma. She was already back on her phone. I took mine out and saw Cal had texted me back.

"uhh how about 8.30? since we were both up at that time today. u ok w that babe?"

OMFG CALUM JUST CALLED ME BABE. BABE. CALUM. OH MY FUCKING GOD AHHHHH. ok calm down Amy, its just a word. Its just a word. I t s j u s t a w o r d. NO I CANT HE CALLED ME BABE! I read the text again, not knowing what he asked me since I was too excited for him calling me babe. I replied.

"Yeah thats perfect. Where will I meet you?"

I still can't get over that! HE CALLED ME BABE. ME, A BABE. AMY WILLIAMS, A BABE. I couldn't get over it. I've never been called that before. It made me get butterflies in my stomach. Cal had texted back.

"Meet u? no, i will come get u at half 8? ok?"

I quickly typed a reply. I had to sleep now.


I put my phone under my mattress again, got comfortable and shut my eyes. "Good night Emma" I said before finally going to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a good day.


so they are going on a date! wont that be fun!

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this, as i said before, im going to try and post more often and keep on writing more chapters for you guys as quick as i can. This is only the beginning, soon their first date will be a lifetime ago. Just you wait.

-kim x

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