Shower sex (1)

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Hey y'all this my new story hope u guys like it let me tell this there a lot of gender bend to let guys know so yea that hope guys comment if guys did bye enjoy 

Hey y'all this my new story hope u guys like it let me tell this there a lot of gender bend to let guys know so yea that hope guys comment if guys did bye enjoy 

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Keith POV 

So I just came back from training and fight all the bots with my sword and cropped all there head off which was awesome but not I tried and I was sweating as hell so I went  my room and grab my clothes  and headed to the showers and I took all my clothes off walk to into the shower started Turning the hot water on started washing my hair with shampoo and all sudden I feel someone coming in the shower with me I turn around lance behind me 

"Lance what are u..." I was cut off by lance kissing me I started kissing sec later because I liked lance every seen the garrison and him kissing right is the most exciting thing ever but kinda suspicious because why all sudden just come here and kiss me I am nobody I don't deserve him I stop from kissing me 

"Whoa lance why did u do that" he look at me he's blue ocean blues eyes have light pink blush on his face on cheeks "Because I liked you ever seen the garrison and I thought he perfect time to do that by getting in the shower in with u kiss u tell how much I love u Keith" lance said he smile me making me blush little bit "Why do u love me Im nothing Im nobody you don't love me your just saying cause u just don't wanna feel bad" I started crying then felt hand on my cheek and lifted my chin "are not nobody u are paladin of voltron and you pilot of the black lion and your very good sword fighting  you are love of my life u friend you have family nobody doesn't feel bad for u and to prove that" he look up and down on me in shower which making me blush little and I grab hand cover my self so he doesn't look at me like that way .

"It's okay you don't have to cover yourself I don't bite well not yet at least" he smirked and then move my hands for uncoving my self the sat on he's knees in front of me I started blushing cause I don't know what he doing to me "it's you don't have to be scared" he said to me then grab my member  the started pumping it  which felt amazing but weird at the same time because idk why is doing shower instead the bed but I didn't care "L-Lance ahhh why ahhh arahhh you anhhhAhAhAHHAHH" I started biting my lip and he keep pumping liking at me the he stop which I wimped and then felt hot on my member he start starting on me he started bobbing his head up and down which I was aching my back little bit I grab his hair push his head little he starting faster what people that I am face fuckin lance but I didn't fucking care that felt so fucking good that I was about to cum .

"Lance I am about to cum" he look at me stop sucking me he started suck on my neck which I was moaning so loudly "Lance ahhh don't stop this feels go-good" he keep sucking on my neck he grab he's hand playing with my nipples which made me moan even more this way too much pleasure kissing my neck to my jawline and my chest and kiss my member then pulled him up and start kissing him it was rough and sweet kiss it start messy spit everywhere on our mouth I licked the bottom lip to open and he refused so grab butt and gasped and this way my chance to my tongue in he's mouth.

No ones pov 

Keith keep kissing lance and lance pulled away from the kiss "Wow Keith you taste really good" lance said as he got down lick Keith entrance  and Keith starting moaning starting jerking off himself " Keith your going be really wet for me and dick" while lance was sucking Keith entrance "Yea ...yea really wet ahh gah" and lance move Keith hand and lance took his started rubbing Keith member " L -L-Lance Ahhhh gah mmmm L-Lance I about to cu....cum ahhh" Keith said as he cum all over lance back and got up and pick Keith as Keith put legs around lance waist "Lance I need you" as Keith was blushing looking at lance as was smirking" umm sorry what was that again I dint hear you" as lance smirking as Keith was begging out of breath "Lance plz" lance look at again same thing "Sorry still couldn't heard u" Keith lifted lance chin" lance plz fuck me make me scream  you fuck me till there no tomorrow lance fuck me till  I can't cum anymore" Keith put lance chin down lance smiled and lifed Keith said "Oh don't worried I will" and put up two front Keith "Suck them"  Keith did he started swirling his tongue about it putting saliva on it lance pull them out stuck one in Keith entrance poking around to find keef sweet spot.

Then he add another finger stretching him Keith was moaning mess and till lance out third finger lance hit Keith sweet spot and Keith moan really loud arching his back "Found it" he said that singing lay then grab he's dick and the shove into Keith entrance and he waited for little bit so that Keith can get use it right now and then he Keith give sign tell him go lance started moving slowly then started faster Keith started moving every thrust lance does "Lance lance faster harder" that what lance just he when harder and faster " Keith your so tight " lance moaning then lance went even faster Keith felt knotted his bottom 








"ME TOO KEITH" lance starting kissing Keith back then he went faster "LANCE LANCE GAHH AHHH" keith was so so so close "Lance cum inside me" Keith moaning "Okay but let cum together" after few more thrusts the both came " Lance that was amazing" Keith said as kiss lance "yea it was" we both laugh be washed up and came out the bathroom went to lance room we cuddle and we both fell asleep. 

Okay that was the first one I hope u guys like it and plz comment if u did if you didn't then don't comment it and thank bye ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Oh one more thing I'm sorry if there spellling errors plz don't hate I just very terrible writing and umm I think it really okay bye now 

(this picture so cute not mine) 

(this picture so cute not mine) 

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