Truth or Dare

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(If you don't like smut you don't have to read this)
Kinks- Daddy Kink
No one's POV
It was a normal day here in the castle they were fighting the galra and zarkon once they came back from fighting the galra. Keith and Lance were arguing about stupid stuff and Shiro was telling them to calm down "Hey why don't we play a game" Pidge said lance and Keith stop arguing look at Pidge and said "What type of game" Keith and lance say together "Like truth or dare so we can get know each other" Pidge says with a smirk "I guess" lance said as he was sitting down on the floor. Shiro smile and look at pidge "Great Idea pidge see this why you're smart one in the group" Shiro said as he sat on the floor "Allura Coran you guys wanna join this game" Pidge says as she sat on the floor, Allura and Coran came in the room saying "What game are we playing" Coran says as he sat on the floor with everyone else. Pidge says "We are playing Truth or dare wanna play," pidge says as she is grinning Allura sat on the floor said "What's is truth or dare," Allura says to Pidge. "Truth or dare is a game where you ask people truth or dare and if they say the truth give them a truth if someone says dare you to give them a dare like if lance says I dare you to dance I will dance," Pidge said "Oh I get it now okay let's play" Allura was excited to play this game "Keith are you going play or are you too chicken to play," lance says while grinning Keith growl "I AM NOT TOO CHICKEN PLAY THIS GAME I WILL SHOW YOU WHOS CHICKEN" Keith got mad sat on the floor "Let's Play," Pidge said "Umm Lance truth or dare".
Lance POV
Pidge asks me the truth or dare question and of course, I say "Dare, I am not a chicken like Keith" Keith growl crosses his arm together's I thought I was cute how mad he gets Umm lance..... What lance are you thinking Keith not cute he's hot (😂) pidge was thinking of dare I should "I dare you to dance to 7 rings with Allura and wear this"

I look outfit and I love it but blush because I was going to wear this and dance to 7 rings in front of Keith I mean I don't mind I always had a crush on Keith but I don't him to think I'm weird or anything so signs and blush walk to the bathroom ...

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I look outfit and I love it but blush because I was going to wear this and dance to 7 rings in front of Keith I mean I don't mind I always had a crush on Keith but I don't him to think I'm weird or anything so signs and blush walk to the bathroom after pidge said " oh I have tutorial of the 7 rings dance" I nodded and went to the bathroom so did allies her was different, she had pink and I had blue we both got out everyone look at us everyone was cheering say cute and Keith looked at me blush lightly "Alright ready for the dance" Pidge says to us we nodded watch the video and we finally got it and started dancing. ( They was dancing like this)

Once we were done dancing everyone laughing cheering us and Keith was blushing really hard I smirk softly and sat next to him "Okay pidge Truth or Dare" I ask her she look at me say "Truth" I look at her and said," Is it true you like Allura" (In this one Pidge is of age) Pidge blushes really hard and slowly nodding her head " Yes, I do" I see Allura face shock she smiles and blushes I smirk "Okay Keith Truth or Dare" Pidge ask him he look at her say "Dare" he said I guess he, not a scary cat anyways Pidge smirk looked at me and grin I was scared and not to forget I still have this maid outfit on oh no " I dare you to let lance sit on you lap for the whole game" My heart stops I was not breathing I just froze there like an idiot" Okay" as soon he says okay I got up sat on his lap just remind y'all I still have the maid outfit on I was blushing like crazy I bet everyone can see me turn red.
Keith POV
As lance sat on my lap I was blushing like hell because of I always kinda like lance more than a friend or rivals and him sitting on my lap with that cute maid outfit and him dancing just makes me go crazy I see lance is kinda cold which brings me my next dare for Coran "Hey Coran Truth or Dare" I ask him he say "Dare" I smile and said "Can you get a blanket it's kinda cold" I see Coran little confuse and he got up got me and lance a blanket I put over lance and he smiles I smiles back the look at the others.
Lance POV
I see Keith put a blanket over me he must know that I was cold what a gentleman he so cute with he's cute little mullet and purple eyes and his sexy body omg lance stop with the gay thoughts so I felt like I was sliding down a bit I got a little bit sat on his area and he moans little bit I blush a lot as I see him covering his mouth I smirk started grinding on him little bit as he groaning and moaning but I was enjoying this I was going have fun with him.
Keith POV
Lance started grinding on me little which was making me a little bit hard I grab his hips to go a little bit faster and harder he turns away to look at me and biting him lip man he so fucking sexy I wanted to kiss him right here right now, but I can't people were looking at us lance started going little bit faster which made me moan little bit loud that everyone looked at me "Keith is you okay" Shiro said as he was looking at me "Yea I am fine" Lance started grinding on me again and I could not take it anymore, and I whispered in his ear "You know daddy does not like when you tease him like that.
Lance POV
I was biting my lip when Keith whispered in my ear say, Daddy does not like when I tease him like that I blush and smirk and started grinding on him again and I feel him get but hard through my panties I moan a bit when I felt his dick on my entrance. I feel him put his arms around my waist pull me closer to him he started kissing my neck lightly I moan a little bit loud and pidge everyone looked at me "Lance are you okay" I nodded and let Keith kissing my neck leaving purple hicks on my neck I could not take it anymore he wanna play that game I turn to side where basically it like he cradling me as baby I lay on his shoulder I started to put my hand in his shirt started touching body to his member I smile cause I love seeing Keith sweat I unzip his pants he started to panic a little bit.
Keith POV
Lance unzip my pants lance was touching me omg is this fucking dream or something cause the guy I like is touching me and unzip my pants I let him do whatever he put cold as hands in my boxers started stroking my cock which felt amazing I started biting my lip and pidge looked at me and said "Keith Truth Or Dare" I was scared little bit shaken by certain pleasure "D-Dare" Pidge look at me and lance smirk " I dare you to take lance to the bedroom" She kinda whispered to me I nodded everyone looked at us looking kinda confused I picked up lance and went to my room locked the door and threw lance on the bed as lance was blushing and biting his lip I got on top of him whispered in his ear so "So you wanna play that game little one I'm going fuck you so hard that you want be able to tease me ever again" I said as lance looked at me smiling "Okay daddy I will be good boy I promise"
(Sorry guys I left y'all with a cliffhanger but I promise I will write more of these it's just that I have school I freshman and school is kinda I had a birthday I turn 15 so yea I hope y'all enjoyed it and thank you for reading it bye 👋 )
Oh if you don't like it, please don't comment noting mean okay thank you bye 👋 
And if you guys have requested let me know

Bye 👋

Bye 👋

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