Where do you think your going (4)Shklance

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Okay this story was requested by my friend  @Tatertot_lemon plz follow her she's awesome and if you guys got any requests then let me know and I will do it for y'all okay that all I have to say bye  I hope y'all enjoy 😉 omg this song right here is my fav so hope  tatertot _lemon  likes it 

Shiro pov 

So I have woken up and I started getting very hungry so I went to go get breakfast I got up and bed went and took a shower and got ready I went down the hallway and sat at my sit started to eat my breakfast that hunk made then I see pidge and allura and Coran and lance and Keith but they was acting very very weird they usually fight but now I look at them they start  flirting with each other's like lance will touch Keith hair and his thigh then Keith will rub lance cheek and bit his ear and I just watch like whoa is happening but yea then allura stand up was about give us a announcement.

"paladins as we know that we zarkon is still out there and we need a plan find way to stop him so after breakfast I want everyone I mean everyone to come to control room helps us find a plan so we  defeat zarkon" allura says I nod and keep eating my room till everyone was done will went control room and we started to make a plan "Paladins so how are we going defeat zarkon and his troops" allura then pidge push up her glasses say.

"Well I can shut there ship sneak in there will out them knowing while find away to disable the  Machine" pidge will started to like pidge idea but then we all still come talking then I have noice that lance and Keith have been talking turn around and they not here that's weird I turn to group "Heys guys " everyone got  Quiet "Where's lance and Keith" I say everyone look around they could not find them .

"They probably went to there rooms" pidge then I looke back then at team 

" I going to find them y'all stay here and figure out more things I will be right back" say then they keep talking as I left then I went to the hallways search everyone room I look in bathroom not there I look in the kitchen not there I looked in lance room not there but there is one place I didn't look which Keith's room.

I walk down the hallway to get Keith room when I did I heard moaning and groaning so I open the door to see lance and Keith in heated make out seisson i started to blush like crazy they were almost naked and the think is I kinda like lance and Keith and they fact that I see them kissing in front my face was just so hot but I didn't want stop doing what the way and sneak away but then Keith grab my hand look at me in my eyes "where you think your going" Keith says grab neck started kissing me I started blushing like crazy and stop Keith "wait Keith stop I can't your will lance" I say lance come over me started whispering in my ear "Shiro we always have liked you and we wanted you to be in our relationship me and Keith" lance I look at Keith nodding his head bitting his lip I started talking blush like it ain't nothing lance grab my face put my lips on his started kissing him it was soft and gentle then started to get rough by the minute keith took me way from lance started to kiss me the lance started kissing me in my neck which felt amazing.

Lance POV 

As I was kissing Shiro neck he's started moan which so cute I like the way he moan I started biting and sucking on his neck then moan even louder then I stop me and Keith Shiro to the bed sat him down I was at below his waist and Keith was on top Shiro grinding on him pull down his pants lick his boxers though the fabric Shiro started groaning as I lick his boxers  I pull down his boxers with my teeth kiss the tip of his member Shiro started biting his lip moaning lightly I put then I started licking his tip and his cheeks were red 

 I had post like this I'm sorry I will make part 2 of this right I have post this because it taking so damn write all this and because I have to pack up for Louisiana go to see my bestie Kanisha  Yassss I will right more yea that all I have for today bye 

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