The song (2)

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I love this song and this song lance will be singing and Keith going fall love with it and there be sMuT in here too. Hope you guys like it don't play the song yet

Lance POV

You're useless

You don't deserve to be in  voltron

Keith will never like fag like you

Your just seven wheel

I hope they replaced you because you dumb and weak

Hhahahaha your the worst singer ,  I see why your dad beats you you dumb pathetic and stupid hahahha

I started crying in my room I keep hearing these horrible words about I couldn't take so ran out my room went lions hanger I seen blue and sat on her paw "Blue do you hate me " I said as blue lightly purr "No blue paladin I like your the best person I ever had that ride on me" blue said lance laughed hug blue " Thanks blue" I said as lance put his knee to chest started crying little "Blue do you think Keith would ever like me" I said blue " Yes blue paladin why wouldn't he if doesn't see how amazing you're then he not right for" blue purr lance smile little then stare at ceiling "I have idea blue paladin" lance looked at blue " what do you mean" I said to blue

"Do you still have Ukulele" blue looking at blue paladin

" umm yea why?" I asked her

"Go get it and come back okay" blue said as got up went to his he looked him closet and he found his ukulele ran back to blue

"okay now I watch you play this your fav song" Lance was confused but then blue turn the song on lance started to remember as he grab his ukulele started playing the song.

Now play the song

(Versus 1)

I have a question

It might seem strange

How are your lungs?

Are they in pain

Cause mine are aching

Think I know why

I kinda like it though

You wanna try?


Oh would you be

So kind

As to fall in love with me, you see

I'm trying

I know you know that I like you

That's not enough

So if you will

Please fall in love

I think it's only fair

There's gonna be some butterflies


Wanna share?

Cause I like you

But that's not enough

So if you will

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