Chapter 1

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The biting chilling the air had the boy in red shiver as he ran. He silently lamented the fact that he had decided that a simple white shirt, black pants with holes and a red blouse would be fine when going to school. He regretted that decision with every quick step that he took on the cold dirt path.

After all, how was he supposed to know that it would start to snow all of a sudden, the news did not say anything about the chance of snow, they said that it would be clear skies over his city and the surrounding area and if there was one thing that he knew, the sky was definitely not clear! His body was covered in goose bumps as the cold air swept around his running figure. Even while running his body barely warmed making him curse under his white colored breath.

He shouldn't have come to school today...he had a lousy presentiment this morning but still came This city had just two Junior high schools, one being private and the other being public, which was where he was right now. At first sight it seems a good school, rather large with modern looks but if you look deeper, you will know that this school has a horrible reputation and it's rumored that a custodian died horribly.

His train of thought was interrupted when he sneezed violently and sniffed in the cold. He rubbed his arm on his cold, red nose to try and get some reprieve from the horrid weather. Slowly he looked behind him to see some buildings, but not a single person could be seen. He sighed in relief and stopped running, his labored breath coming out in puffs of white;

"They are not running after me anymore...?" he asked himself but still being paranoid, he continued walking searching for a hiding place. Nor far from him a twig snapped and he heard the sound of people breathing harshly making him pale. He looked around as he tries to make the less noise possible, his eyes falling on the half-opened door of the storage room. His lips purse as he stares at it, if they find him in there he will not have another way of running but... he gritted his teeth and walked into the storage room, closing soundlessly the door as he hides behind some boxes.

 he gritted his teeth and walked into the storage room, closing soundlessly the door as he hides behind some boxes

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A group of four boys stared around with angry faces. The taller one which seemed to be eighteen, his golden hair reaching his neck gritted his teeth, his eyes staring at the floor furiously;

"DAMN IT!" he yelled, kicking the snow on the floor. They followed the traces of foots until there but the snow got stronger, hiding the footsteps they have been following "If I find him...I'll kill him!"

A brown haired boy seeming around the same age than the golden-haired man crossed his arms, furrowing his arms;

"Boss...why are we running after that kid?" he asked as he stared around. They have been following after that kid for three entire hours but their boss wouldn't tell them why they had to catch that boy no matter what...

"He stole something from me!" he roared out as he punched the wall, his eyes seeming to turn a deep, fiery, red.

The brown haired boy stared in surprise at his boss...a thirteen years old meat ball stole something from their boss?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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