Working at a Bank

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What they would do.

John: *would be silently judging everyone who cashes checks*

Paul: *would spend more time flirting that doing anything else*

George: *would eat all the lollipops they have on the counter*

Ringo: *would put money in the wrong accounts*

What they would say.

John: I see that you're cashing a thirty-dollar check. This signature looks a little iffy. You didn't forge this, did you? *smells check* I believe you forged this, and guess what? No money for YOU!

Paul: You'd like to make a deposit? All right, love. And while you're here, how about we get to know each other?

George: I'm sorry, kid, but all the lollipops are gone. *wads up wrappers and lollipop sticks and chucks them into the trash can* I have no idea what happened to them.

Ringo: All right, you want to put this money into your kid's account. Gotcha. *puts money in a random elderly lady's account*

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