Chapter 8: stuck!

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Conan clacked his beak for the umpteenth time, annoyed and more than tempted to peck out one of the red eyes staring at him with a creepy sort of curiosity he usually only saw when Haibara was dissecting something. Like that dead pigeon she'd pulled from the lab's freezer. He did not want to know why she had that. Or where she'd obtained it.

"Koizumi-san, you might want to give Holmes a bit of space. He looks like he wants to maul you." Did he? If Hakuba could read his birdlike expression, then others might too. Urgh, and what would Hattori say when he found out he was half bird now? Bird-brained child he thought. Or something along those lines anyway.

"Why? I want a better look at him, and I get the feeling I'll be scratched or pecked if I touch him. Stretch his wing out for me?" Conan shot a withering stare at Hakuba, daring him to comply. He had no idea if a hawk's stare was effective though. Apparently not, because gentle hands coaxed him to stretch each wing in turn, Nakamori-chan watching all the while. Conan was going to play his version of Kaito Kid dodgeball with Hakuba when he changed back.

"Beak?" Oh, hell no. She was not looking in his mouth, no way. Hakuba mumbled an apology, even as he gently prised Conan's beak open, earning a sharp warning nip for his troubles. "Beak. Now." That wasn't directed at Hakuba. It had been directed at him. Conan's blue eyes turned icy, wishing the witch would just go away. Something about the order made him comply though.

Reddish brown eyes studied him with the same scrutiny and calculation that both he and Hakuba had at crime scenes, a sharp nod of confirmation to whatever Koizumi-san had been thinking making Conan feel even more uneasy. From what little he'd seen of the witch, he knew that a smile from her was in no way a good thing. Ever. She'd been smiling when he'd stumbled into the Not-quite pentagram that night nearly three months ago after all.

"Interesting bird you have Hakuba-kun. Has trouble finding the way home doesn't he? Who made him for you? I've never seen a Merlin, peregrine Falcon and African grey parrot mix before." Conan turned his head to look in consideration at Hakuba, wondering if Koizumi-san was just being her usual odd self, or if that was some kind of hint.

"Maybe you should train him to ask for directions. Then he could always find his way home." Ok, to Nakamori-chan, that would sound like a classmate teasing another about their pet bird, but to Conan, it sounded very much like she was actually saying 'if you want to be human again, learn to use those invisible parrot genes I gave you.' He glared at her.

/Tama, when I get back to being Tantei-kin, I'm making her CRY./ he grumped, earning a soft, laughing coo from the dove perched on the windowsill of the classroom they were now in.

/master won't like that. He's too soft on her. I'm going back to Master. Look after Tantei-san for us!/ she cooed, bobbing her head at Nakamori-chan before flying off, making an odd, zig-zagging flight pattern until she was out of sight. Conan didn't like that one bit. It didn't just mean the dove was used to dodging bullets, it meant there was someone out there, right now, watching the school and possibly Hakuba.

He needed to get Hakuba out of school without being seen, but he had no idea if Kai-nii had any secret ways in and out of the school that did not require a master thief's talents. Maybe Kaito had a stash of dyes and basic disguises hidden somewhere? But how was he supposed to do anything when he couldn't even call Kaito to ask him? And how was he supposed to disguise Hakuba when Conan was currently stuck as a bird?

He knew he could tap out morse code if he needed to, but that wasn't really talking. And morse code was too distracting if Conan had to lead Hakuba somewhere whilst also dodging people and/or bullets. The blonde detective looked a little disconcerted as Conan made a strange sound in the back of his throat -not exactly a human sound, but very much not a bird one either- and bobbed his head in a clear nod.

Through the eyes of a dove (version 0.5) and other Drabbles. (DC/MK1412)Where stories live. Discover now