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It's been 3 years since Echo died. No one has been coping with it well. Paige also hasn't been to work in those 3 years. She's basically disappeared off the face of the Earth! WWE let her go, because she hasn't been showing up. No one planned a funeral for Echo. She never wanted one. No one understood why. Jonathan found out about her death. He instantly found another woman, married her, and had 2 kids. He moves on quick. Jacob is sitting down with Daisy at a restaurant.

"Do you know where Paige went? We haven't seen her since the scene at the hospital."

"Nope, and I don't care to find out."

"Jacob, we need to find her and put her in jail. She's probably out finding more victims."

"You're not dead, I'm not dead. You're just being paranoid. This is why you go to therapy."

"You know my therapist used to work with Paige? I looked through her files. She has a mental illness called, 'MPS'."

"See? This is the paranoia you're trying to get over...wait a second! Did you say that she has MPS?"

Daisy nods her head. "Mhm. Why?"

"That stands for Multiple Personality Syndrome! Meaning, she's LITERALLY two-faced, maybe more!"

"That's similar to being bipolar."

"Exactly! We gotta find her!"

"I don't know. I don't wanna die! Do you remember what she did to Echo? I take back what I said. We're not gonna look for her. Let's just forget it, she's gone. It's been 3 years. We're fine."

"We're not fine."

"You're right. We're not. But fine, I'm in."

"Alright. But let's starts tomorrow, it's getting late. Let's head home."

"Yes, I'm tired."

They get up from the table and head to the car. Daisy starts to see a girl with a black hoodie and jeans, she looks like Paige. She doesn't wanna let Jacob know yet. Daisy turns to look at Jacob for a second, and turns back around. She's gone! Daisy's seeing things. She starts to get nervous. She finally gets in the car. The whole car ride was quiet, until Jacob asks, "Are you okay?"

"Never better." Daisy pulls a fake smile. The car ride was silent once again until they get home. Jacob gets out of the car and Daisy stays in.

"You coming?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you inside."

"Okay." Jacob enters the house, and Daisy finally gets out of the car. She locks the door. She hears something. It's coming from the bushes. Someone's spying on her. She wants to know who it is. She goes to where the sound was coming from. She hears it again, and she sees that same woman that she saw at the restaurant. She can't see her face, only her hair. It's long and black, like Paige's.


The girl takes off. Daisy follows her into the woods. "Paige, come back here! We need to talk!"

The girl runs even faster. Daisy stops for a second to grab a huge branch, to hit Paige with. The girl is still in her sight. Daisy continues to run. The girl finally trips over a branch and falls to the ground. Daisy holds the branch up as if she were gonna hit her with it. She puts her hands over her head and says, "Don't hurt me!" Her face still wasn't revealed, but the voice sounded familiar and it wasn't Paige's.

"Who are you? Reveal yourself."

The girl pushes her hood back to reveal her face. "Please don't hurt me."

Daisy slowly puts the branch down. "Echo?" Daisy feels like she's seeing things. She wipes her eyes and looks at her again.

"That's my name. Who are you?"

"What kind of question is that? You know who I am."

She shakes her head. "Sorry, I really don't."

"I'm your best friend. I can't believe you don't remember me."

"I'm sorry. I thought the only friend I had was that girl."

"What girl?"


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