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Echo looks good tonight. She has on a black short dress and tall black Louboutins. They all take a limo to the club. They all walk out of the limo. Lana walks toward Echo. "Looking good. I like your shoes."
"Thanks boo. You look amazing! The blond really looks good on you. I think we could be best friends."
"Thanks." She walks away. All the divas walk into the club. They all look sexy tonight. There's no doubt that all the single ones will no longer be single after tonight. Nikki and Brie go to John and Daniel. Daisy and Eva go sit at a table in a corner and talk. Echo is eventually left by herself. Someone taps her from behind and it's... Roman.
"What do you want?"
"Calm down, I just wanted to talk."
"About what?"
"I wanted to talk about earlier." His breath smells like alcohol. She can tell he's been drinking.
"What about earlier? Roman, you know that I don't like you. Why keep trying?"
"Because I like you." It's very unlike Roman to show affection so quickly. But it's the alcohol talking.
She looks over her shoulder and she sees Eva with Jonathan. She looks over her other shoulder and sees Cody and Daisy kissing in another corner.
"Roman, you don't like me. I'm married. Should I take you to your hotel room?"
"Yeah, if we're gonna do stuff."
"No, I'm just dropping you off."
"No! Don't do that! I want to be with you. Forget your husband, I want you. You're mine now." That makes Echo think. What if she is really Roman's?
"No, no. It's the alcohol talking. Let's go."
Daisy walks over. "Is everything okay?" As soon as she sees Roman, she playfully nudges Echo.
"No, he's clearly drunk. I'm taking him to his room. I'll be back."
"Don't do anything nasty when you're there." She winks.
"Oh don't worry, we will." Roman laughs.
"No, no. We won't. Bye Daisy." Echo hugs her and takes Roman out of the bar. Roman was sleeping throughout the whole car ride. It was quiet and peaceful, until they got out of the car. They go into the elevator.
"Alright what floor are you on?"
"The 4th floor. I'm in room 427."
"Thanks." Echo presses the number 4 and walks to room 427. "Key?"
Roman hands her the key. "Here. Keep it. You may need it on more than one occasion."
Echo rolls her eyes and opens the door. Roman pushes Echo in the room.
"What are you doing?"
"Can you stay here for a little?"
"Fine. But you have to lay down on the bed."
"Are you gonna lay with me?"
"No. I'm getting you water." Echo looks through the mini fridge and takes out a water bottle. "Here." She feeds him the water.
"Thanks, but can we talk now?"
"What, Roman? What do you wanna talk about?"
"I really want to just talk."
"Okay, what's on your mind?"
"Galina left me, and took JoJo with her."
"Oh no that's terrible."
"She cancelled our engagement because she doesn't like how busy my work schedule is. On top of that, she ran off with another man that JoJo seems to like more than me. I don't even think she remembers me."
Echo rubs Roman's chest. It's so muscular.
"I hear ya."
"But I'm happy that I found you."
"Why is that?"
"Because you're new and you don't know much about me."
"That means that you don't know how much I've messed up."
"It's okay. I've judged you by your first words to me and I'm sorry for thinking you were such a jerk." He grabs Echo's hand.
"It's okay. You're beautiful."
"I think I need a drink too. I can't stand not seeing Jonathan. I miss him."
"Check the fridge."
Echo goes to the fridge and takes out a vodka and 2 glasses. She fills them both. She takes a sip of one and hands Roman the other one. He drinks it all in one gulp. "Echo. Look at me."
She climbs on the bed and turns to him, "Yes, Roman?"
"I think I love you."
"What? Why? I'm married."
"I don't care. You don't see your husband as much as you see me."
"What are you trying to say? I should leave him for you?"
"No. I can't do that."
"I bet I can change your mind."
"There's nothing you could do to change my mind."
"Oh really? Wanna test that?"
"Go for it."
Roman grabs her face and kisses her. Echo pulls away.
"Roman. We can't do this." It was wrong but it felt right.
"It's okay, just come here."
Echo scoots closer to him and lays her head on his chest. She drinks more and more of her vodka. She starts to be less aware of her surroundings and what she was doing. All she was thinking about was Roman. She starts to forget things easily. Roman runs his fingers through Echo's long hair.
"Your hair is really pretty."
"Thanks. So is yours."
Echo was getting more and more drunk by the second.
"I think I love you too. You're way hotter than Jonathan. It was probably a mistake marrying someone who isn't in the WWE." Maybe Daisy was right, Echo has never stopped liking Roman.
"I want you more than anything. You're a very sexy woman. I couldn't take my eyes off of you tonight, because you were just stunning! I couldn't help myself I just want you now!"
"I want you more." With that, Echo reaches over and kisses him. They were in a really passionate kiss. It was getting heated between the two. But it never stopped. It kept going and going, but I think you know what happens next.

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