I still don't understand the AU's

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Paper Jam and Fresh where in the same place but the crowds where shifting. Paper Jam and Fresh where just having small talk. Paper Jam had calmed down after a bit.
They both looked in the crowds, Paper Jam was able to name half the people there but Fresh could only spot one person he recognized but couldn't remember their name. "Look! It's Gradient!!" Paper Jam exclaimed. "Gradient?" Fresh questioned. "Gradient is basically my brother. He's a mix of Ink and Error's DNA! He's older then me though." Paper Jam was happy to notice him in the crowd but had no intention of leaving Fresh. "Oh. I didn't kno u has a bro.." Fresh felt awkward. "Yeah, he doesn't usually hang around me or dad. He kinda dislikes me, I feel like he is jealous" Paper Jam smirked. "Jealous? Y he'd be jelly?" Fresh asked. "Cuz I think Error somewhat prefers me over him." Paper Jam continued to look through the group. "There's Palette too!!" Paper Jam said seeming more excited to see him instead of Gradient. "Forgive meh. Whoz Palette?" Fresh asked awkwardly. "My half brother. He's usually with Dream." Paper Jam pointed out Palette for Fresh to see him. "Waddea mean Half Brother?" Fresh felt dumb asking these questions. "Ink and Dream." Paper Jam felt weird answering the question. "Wait-" Fresh was about to speak when Paper Jam put his hand on Fresh's mouth. "Okay, listen. There's many different Universes, and in different Universes there's other things that happen.. Gradient happened in a different Universe, Palette came from another Universe, BluePrint Came from another Universe.. They're all from my mom somehow.
Gradient was a DNA fusion, Blueprint was somewhat a mistake.. I was a creation made from leftovers of battles From Ink and Error... If you didn't follow that.. Different Universes, Different people. Okay?" He took his hand off Fresh's mouth, "Who'z BluePrint?" Fresh asked again feeling awkward. "Blue and Ink." Paper Jam was ready to answer questions. "You'd explained who'd they came from an how, accept Palette." Fresh almost realized the answer when he asked. "I don't know that one and I'm guessing it's more private!!" Paper Jam said not wanting to get into where Palette came from. "How many doez ya Mom hav?!" Fresh was surprised Ink handled that many. "Like I said different universes!! But I guess my mom is the only Ink in the Multiverse. And I have no idea, lately he's hung around me and Error but he dose visit them all." Paper Jam looked down at the grass. "I can only usually handle one kid at a time. If ders kids around. Small kiddos, when dey're older tis fine." Fresh said looking  to see if Paper Jam was looking at something specific. "Believe it or not, In a different universe my mom has a kid with Cross." Paper Jam looked at him, they had just fought yesterday too. "Dey just fought, it didn't seem deh had a interest in each other at all." Fresh was starting to get really confused with AU's. "Yeah, AU's get weird." Paper Jam started to pick grass. "Yea seems like it." Fresh looked at the group. "There's a AU where we're swapped!! It's pretty cool!! I'm the 'Fresh' person and you're the smaller childish kid!" Paper Jam looked at him with a huge smile. "I met them awhile ago when my mom was visiting a Protector!". "Woah, musta been rad meeten a swapped ver of ya!.. An wahts a Protector ?" Fresh was a little confused. "Oh! Other people that help to Create or Protect the Multiverse! Protectors is just what mom calls them. So people like Dream, who help to protect would be a Protector!" Paper Jam happily explained. "Who'z de Protector he wa visitin?" Fresh found it interesting that Paper Jam could name so many people. "Well, he's not the most known.. I honestly can't remember his name too well. I know he said he helped out with the fixing of broken AU's.. But he was a swapped Error! It was cool! My parents in that AU have swapped!" Paper Jam was a little guilty for not remembering his name. "So dat AU just a Swap Universe? Everydude swapped?" Fresh asked, he knew there was UnderSwap but he knew that was just Swapped Classic. "From what I know. There was Swapped Ink, Error, PJ, Fresh, Dream, Nightmare, Cross, Geno, Reaper.. I think there's more but I'm unsure..." Paper Jam named the names he knew Ink had talked about in that AU. "Hol' Up. Who'z Geno and Reaper?" Fresh asked awkwardly. "Oh! Geno! He looks like classic but white sweater, a glitching eye, blood coming from his mouth, he's wearing Papyrus's from his AU scarf.. Oh! And he has a big cut going down his chest, like what Classic gets in a Genocide run.
And Reaper, he looks like a Classic in a black robe with a hood and it looks like a somewhat gaster blaster thing around his neck. He's basically a reaper... Death is another name he's called." Paper Jam explained the Sans'es Fresh asked about. "Ah, How de ya keep track of all there names and what dey look like?" Fresh wouldn't be able to remember people that way. "I dunno, my mom travels AU's and I have a good memory." Paper Jam shrugged. "What's ya fave teh visit?" Fresh asked. "Well, I enjoy UnderSwap pacifist timelines. They're fun. I love OuterTale's Stars. Then I also like yours, it's all so colourful and your all so nice and talk uniquely!" Paper Jam continued to pick small pieces of grass. "What AU's do you like? If you know enough to pick a favourite."Paper Jam Asked. "Yea, I don't kno many. I've seen Underswap, UnderFell, OuterTale. I think I know mor but I dunno... Wait, ur dad is ErrorTale. Wahts ur moms?" Fresh saw a small patch of flowers not to far from them. "Well, I know my mom doesn't like sharing to much and he can't remember half of what happened..here's all he's told me. He was unfinished. His AU was colourless for a long time, and all he was, was a unfinished sketch someone didn't go back to finish. His creator eventually gave him colour. But when the colour would leave he'd go back to being colourless and emotionless, Because he had no soul. So after awhile and more and more colours hit him he started collecting them in little viles that help him try and pretend to have a soul, he can feel emotions with them, but he gets so protective of the villes. And like I said that's all mom would tell me. I don't know the full story, and He won't talk about it easily, when he told me you could see his colours fading... It was frightening." Paper Jam got scared of the memory, Ink's colours  fading.. He looked very emotionless. Paper Jam hoped to never see Ink like that again. Fresh throughout the story got more and more surprised and shocked. "Wait is dat y Glitchy can't get rid of em? No soul to tear apart?" Fresh felt guilty asking this question. "Yeah, Mom would most likely be dust if he did." Paper Jam was feeling unsettled with this subject. "How's your leg feeling? Dose it sting at all?" Paper Jam quickly got off subject. "Yea, no stinging. Just if I stand and try teh walk it hurts." Fresh could tell Paper Jam was uncomfortable with talking about Ink's past. "Oh." Paper Jam continued out of boredom to pick grass. "Waht kinda flowers r those?" Fresh said looking at the flowers he has noticed. "Oh, Those are just golden Buttercups." Paper Jam had seen those flowers almost everywhere. "Don't eat them." Paper Jam added. "R dey toxic?" Fresh looked back at Paper Jam. "Yeah, they can potentially kill someone." Paper Jam looked back to the crowds. "There's been a AU  with children and one of them almost ate one." Paper Jam looked to see if maybe one of the children where there. "Dat ain't good." Fresh said. There was some silence... Paper Jam didn't like this small talk...  He looked finding Mafia in the crowd, "I hope ya Mah talked teh Mafia." Fresh seemed to see Maifa too.  "Oh! Have you seen Error?" Paper Jam asked looking back at Fresh. "Nah, not since yesterday." Fresh shook his head. "He did come back yesterday to sleep but then disappeared in the morning." Paper Jam leaned his head against Fresh's shoulder. "Dose Error has otha kids in diff universes?" Fresh tried to keep the conversation going. "He never talks about any, but I don't really know. He has Gradient with Ink. And Bluescreen.. But aside from that, I really don't know.
There sometimes is totally different Universes with the same people but different lives. I know in one of those Error is actually with Blue, and believe it or not there happens to be a universe where your with Error.." Paper Jam felt awkward talking about different relationships in different universes. "Da Funk?! Me wit him?!" Fresh's eyes widened. "Yeahhhhh, there's also one where you're with Ink." Paper Jam said awkwardly. "I can't even imagine dat, ya mom hates me." Fresh said. Ink?! Liking him?!  "Yeah the AU's and Multiverse gets weird." Paper Jam looked over to the ButterCups Fresh spotted "Wanna go sit in the flowers? They're just bad to eat. And I kinda like sitting by flowers." Paper Jam asked. "Yea, dat might be fun." Fresh watched Paper Jam get up and offer him his hand to help him up. Fresh took his hand and stood trying not to put to much pressure on his left leg. The flowers weren't that far. Fresh was able to walk alone.. Slowly. But Paper Jam stayed beside him as they went. Paper Jam sat in the flowers Fresh sat right beside where they were growing, they weren't planted by anyone so they where not all in one place. "The smell of the flowers is really strong." Paper Jam looked down at them. "Yea, Dey r rlly strong." Fresh said as he picked a couple of them, He started to twist the stems together. "What are you doing?" Paper Jam asked looking at what he was doing. "Ya'll see." Fresh picked another and started twisting that one in. Paper Jam watched as he picked one and twisted it in, then another and did the same, he seemed to continue those steps. Paper Jam stayed quiet. After a couple minutes, Fresh took one last flower and twisted it in, then looked at Paper Jam. "C'mere." He looked back down at what he was doing. Paper Jam crawled over to him and sat in front of him. Fresh twisted two things together, Then set it on Paper Jam's head. "It's a flower crown!!" Paper Jam suddenly realised. "Yep." Fresh was surprised Paper Jam didn't know at first. "I didn't know you could make these!" Paper Jam took it off a second and looked at it, then put it back on. "I've not made em in foreverz but yea I can make em." Fresh smiled, he could tell Paper Jam really liked it. "Can you show me how to make one?" Paper Jam asked. "Yea! Course I can!" Fresh looked over and picked a couple flowers, "Grab a couple teh start.". Paper Jam picked a few flowers.

       _.-*After they're made*-._

Paper Jam set the flower crown on top of Fresh's hat. "There! You have double hat things." Paper Jam smiled. Fresh set his on Paper Jam's head. "Now ya has double flower crowns." Fresh also smiled. "Oh! I'm sure my mom would like one!!" Paper Jam picked a couple and began twisting them together. "Ya, ya mom would probs love it." Fresh watched Paper Jam, he remembered all the steps perfectly! After a minute Paper Jam had another flower crown. "Want to go find my mom? It's alright if you don't!" Paper Jam asked "Yea, I guess, he hasn't just shown up fer once." Fresh said somewhat jokingly. "Yeah, true. He hasn't just shown up and dragged me away." Paper Jam said as he looked back at the crowd... Ink wasn't there. "Would you rather me find him and come back? Or want to come with?" Paper Jam asked unsure if Fresh wanted to get up and look. "It don't matta teh me." Fresh said slowly standing, he felt like he could walk a distance if needed. Paper Jam stood, and helped Fresh up. "We should check in the crowds. He might be in a group conversation." Paper Jam stayed beside Fresh and started to walk forward as Fresh nodded.

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