Faked emotions

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"Anyways, what was I saying?" Ink asked Dream. "You were talking about PJ." Dream said as he blinked slowly. Paper Jam eyes widened. "Me about what?" He asked. "You growing up so quickly and such." Ink didn't want to continue that chat with Dream in front of Paper Jam. "How's things with Error?" Dream asked sensing Ink's nervousness with Paper Jam right there. "Me and Error have gone our separate ways." Ink quieted. Paper Jam saw Fresh standing unsure if he should come over there, Paper Jam beckoned him over and to sit beside him. "Oh? What's happened?" Dream asked with wide eyes. "Well we argued and got mad at each other, Error stormed off, and then we fought this morning. The injuries aren't that bad, just this." Ink pointed at a small chip in the bottom of his jaw. Fresh came and sat beside Paper Jam. "The battle scars don't look at bad as your old ones." Dream said quietly. "Old ones?" Paper Jam looked up at Ink and asked. "You think this is my first chip in my bones?" Ink was surprised. "Well, there's this. Ink pulled off his left fingerless glove, his palm looked off in a way. "I got that from one of Error's blaster that could destroy anything. I had accidentally touched the blast for a moment." Ink put the glove back on. And took off his scarf. He pulled his T-Shirt down a bit revealing a bit of his shoulder. There was a big chipped area there. Along with drawn looking doodles that were in spinning circle shapes. "That's from getting hit with Error's bone attack." Everyone's eyes widened. Half because of the black doodles. Ink put his shirt back on his shoulder. "What's that?" Paper Jam pointed at a mark on his neck. Ink started to fold up his scarf as if he was going to put it away. "That's from Error." Ink felt a little awkward. "What's did he do?" Palette asked. "He bit my neck... Hard." Ink stared blankly at the ground. "Ouch..." Paper Jam looked at it. "I've got a bunch more, one I have on my back where Error had gotten my paintbrush and whacked me, almost braking something. And a couple on my legs from blasters and strings. There are others I know but I'd need to look at them to remember where I got it." Ink explained. "How long where ya fightin fer?" Fresh asked. Ink looked down again. "A year after the void, And 13 years before Gradient." Ink thought out loud.
"Just wonderin if ya knew off hand. It's all good if ya don't kno."
Fresh said. "Do you happen to know what happened to Cross's soul? He said Error took it." Dream said quietly. "You talked to Cross?" Ink's eyes widened. "Oh! Forgive me! Me and Cross are friends now." Dream explained. "Cross?!" Ink was concerned. "You befriended your enemy, it's not impossible for me to befriend mine." Dream smiled. Ink looked down. "I did befriend him once." Ink said quietly. "Sorry, talking about Error is bothering you." Dream said quietly being able to sense his emotions. "Oh! No! I'm not bothered." Ink smiled. "Ink you're forcing a smile, you're missing Error aren't you?" Dream looked Ink directly in the eyes. Ink's expression grew blank. "Mom, talk to dad! Please! Just get over what was said!" Paper Jam took his chance and pleaded. "No, Error's irresponsible and lazy, he sits around and doesn't care for you properly!" Ink turned to Paper Jam. "But he cares! He loves you and me!" Paper Jam began to yell. "He should've shown it and actually did something!" Ink grew angry. "He showed it! Did you not realise he wanted to hang out with both of us the other day!? We laughed and talked for awhile!? Do you not consider that caring?!" Paper Jam stood up. Ink stood also. "Error was-" Ink was cut off. "Guys, stop!" Dream had jumped up. "This is no was to settle things, and this negativity could attract Nightmare." Dream sat them both back down.
Palette and Fresh were staring in shock. "Ink don't feel angry about this to push back other emotions." Dream went over and sat beside him. "Can you three go upstairs?" Dream asked. Paper Jam, Palette and Fresh nodded. Dream watched them go. "Ink, you miss having him around, and that's okay! Go tell him, I'm sure you both will make up for everything." Dream gave an encouraging smile. Ink was staring with blank eyes at the ground. "Ink. Please, can't you see how much PJ wants him back? I could feel his depressing emotions when we talked about Error, And they most likely had been talking about it upstairs before they went outside, he most likely took Fresh's sweater to hide his face, Palette and Fresh I don't think would get that protective over someone who is just 'cold'. they were talking about Error. He needs him Ink." Dream took Ink's hands. "Ink, I know you can be stubborn, but this isn't the right situation to be that way. Think about it at least. Paper Jam needs it. Kids will struggle without a father, even if they seem to do nothing for anyone, children mentally need their fathers." Dream held his hands tightly. "What happened to Palette? Only one parent." Ink asked. "You visited every day. That's different, he had you in his life, he wasn't blocked off entirely from you." Dream stared at Ink directly with a serious expression. "Error was the one who left! I never told him too." Ink raised his voice slightly. "But that doesn't mean you can't ever talk to him." Dream said quietly. "Error fought me this morning! He's back to his old ways! How do you think is let him back in?! He could badly hurt PJ or me." Ink pushed back all the emotions, his colours in his eyes faded slightly. "You changed him once. If you had to you could do it again, but you have a good reason too, you have PJ, and I know you both love him so very much." Dream smiled. "What if Error hates me enough that he destroys me, PJ and Gradient, everything that we did together!" Ink's eyes were still blank, his colours faded more. "No! He'd never so that! Don't get yourself worked up, your colours are fading." Dream put a hand on the side of his face. "Error doesn't usually storm off, then fight people if he doesn't hate them." Ink removed Dream's hand from his face. Dream pushed the paint vials against Ink's chest. "Please Feel something, when you're emotionless it scares me" Dream pressed them against him hard. Ink sighed, He took the yellow vial out of the slot. "Maybe the blue one?" Dream suggested. Ink sighed again and took the blue one. he toook off the cap and quickly took a sip. His colours came back as tears rolled down his face. Dream hugged him. "It's okay to admit you miss him. We've all made those mistakes and regretted them quickly." Dream said quietly.

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