Chapter 4

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Jenna made all the kids fall asleep on the couch with little blankets. She looked at all of them as Jason got Tyler out of the outside.

"Who thought this was a good idea?" She asked her sleepy husband.

Tyler looked around half asleep trying to find Josh.

"Where's Josh?" He asked, and with those words somebody dropped down the stairs with a dress on and a blonde wig.

Jenna looked him in the face to see lipstick marks and glitter all over his face.

"Josh? What happened?" She laughed and he smiled, as three little girls ran down the stairs with Jenna's purse.

"Ok, Tyler, you can't see Josh for 2 months. Tyler?" She looked at him who was sleeping again on the cheetah.

"And you get the joy of cleaning everything" She pointed at Josh who was looking at his glittery hands.

Then she walked to the bedroom to relax.

She sat on the bed when she heard giggling from the bathroom.

She walked in to see two little boys bathing in Cheez Whiz.


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