Letter 10

147 6 0


I saw the young boy you was with in the pub. He was at an old couple's house. Yeah, that's right I've been stalking him too. He's only sixteen years old, silly little boy. When he left, I went into the house.

I stabbed the man seventeen times in his chest. He yelled out to his wife 'Gloria.' He told her to run away. Silly old git. How did he make it through seventeen stab wounds? So, I decided to cut his throat since there wasn't any irons present. I stabbed his wife four times in her chest but she died straight away.

I thought you'd like to know, maybe, you'll stop the investigation. If you don't Harrison, the boy you were with, and your wife will be killed.

Yours sincerely,

The Iron Ripper.

P.s I notice you haven't found any recent bodies. Can't you do it without my help? Yet, you call yourself a detective.

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