Howdy detective,
Guess what I watched today? Why am I even asking you.... It's not like you're going to answer me. Well, anyway, I watched Scream. I got ideas, I even tested them out on your mother-in-law. I rang her. I frightened her. It was funny seeing some elderly woman scared. Does that make me a sicko? Of course it doesn't. I'm the only sane one in this world.
I played a game with her. I played guess who. I described you. I described your brown mop hair style. Your blue shimmering eyes. She answered with you. I told her she was wrong. I launched myself through the patio doors. I cut her from her collarbone and down towards the bottom of her stomach. I pulled her intestines out.
I think I should watch more horror movies, maybe, they'll give me better ways to kill people. Good luck finding me, sucker!
Yours sincerely.
The iron ripper.
P.s I think I'm in need of a new serial killer name. Any ideas, detective? Oh, wait, sorry, you can't tell me. Never mind.
The Letters Of Death
Short StoryAfter investigating serial homicides, Detective Jack Harper finds letters sent to him from a person who says he is the serial killer.