Letter 13

138 7 0

Howdy detective!

I've been watching you and your wife a lot lately. I saw you doing that cowboy boogie at that party last night. I was able to touch your wife for the first time. Her skin was so soft. I wanted to run my hands all over her.

I even had a dream about her last night. I dreamt about killing her. I had so much fun with her body. I wish you could have seen it.

It seems your friend, Harvey, is missing. I wonder where he could be. Wait, he's hiding in one of the rooms in the detectives building. I've strapped a bomb onto him. You better get there before the bomb explodes. I suggest you leave your wife at home while you go.

Yours sincerely,

The Iron Ripper.

P.s I'll try not to have too much fun with your wife while you're saving Harvey.

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