Letter 8

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Dear Detective Jack Harper,

Your wife went for a scan today. I hear that the baby is a little girl. It's a shame that I hate girls. I'll have to kill both your wife and your daughter now. Maybe, that'll stop you from continuing the investigation. I'm sorry this is a short letter, but I have dates with prostitutes all this week. I'll send you letters again next week. 

Yours sincerely,

The Iron Ripper.

P.s enjoy the hair within the envelope. Have fun with it. Make a beard out of it. I don't know. Do what you want with it. 

A/N - Thank you all so much for viewing my story. I can't believe that I even got this many views. It's amazing, seriously! I really hope you like this short story! There are many more letters to come! Thank you so much again! :) <3 

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