Chapter 15 - Within reach

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Sunlight fell through the library's large windows onto the wooden tables and benches, making fine filaments shine in the air. The glittering particles were soon joined by new ones as Thalia pulled another dusty book from one of the large shelves on the wall. Some alchemical books of the Wolf School were already piled up on a nearby table, along with bestiaries and medical treatises.

In addition to the writings of the witchers' school, which were held secret to outsiders, the library of Kaer Morhen contained a large selection of tomes of various scientific disciplines. For Thalia they meant an immense treasure.

A larger collection of books she had only seen in Oxenfurt. Perhaps somewhere in those innumerable books, the key to solving her problem was hidden. But finding exactly the right one among the undoubtedly equally interesting, but currently useless books, was a dilemma. There was neither a complete listing of all the books in the library, nor made the sorting of the works on their shelves conclusions on the discipline possible. Thalia had no choice but to subject all the titles in question to a brief inspection. A lengthy endeavor.

If she had more time available, she would have enjoyed every minute in this library. However, any book that she picked up would run the risk of letting her lose the focus for her true goal - some works were too interesting, even if they did not help her with her problem.

Quickly, Thalia revealed that the essay she had just pulled off the shelf was worth a closer look. But after several hours, which she had already spent in the library, she urgently needed a break. The letters of the ornate writing on the yellowed pages began to blur before their eyes.

So she put the book next to the pile that had already accumulated and left the library. Some fresh air would quickly do wonders and revive not only her tired eyes, but her mind as well.

Wrapped in her woolen coat, she soon entered the bastion and climbed up a small staircase to a balcony at the east tower. The view of the mountains was breathtaking. The peaks were already crowned by snow. The cool air clearly showed that winter would be coming soon.

For Thalia's perception it had already arrived, but this morning Lambert had clarified that it would even get much colder here in the mountains. Of course, the witcher had once again found ribald words for the description.

Soon, the roads to Oxenfurt would not be passable for many weeks. Although Thalia was on the right track, her research would take some time. Triss had offered to send her by portal to Oxenfurt, so she wouldn't have to cope with the arduous trip by horse. That would save her at least three weeks of time - not to mention the possible dangers and the inconveniences of such a long journey.

However, prior to her return, Thalia wanted to continue looking for possible clues to solve the problem in Kaer Morhen's library. Instead of the mutagens that she had added to the potion for Eskel, a common human organism needed another catalyst to process the enzymes. The chances to find the solution here, with access to countless books with witchers' knowledge as well as the common standard works of alchemy, Thalia estimated a higher probability of success than in Oxenfurt.

That's why she thanked Triss for the offer, assuring her that she would love to come back to it as soon as she achieved useful results in her research.

Although she didn't like to admit it, there might be another reason besides the library and the lab, which made her delay her departure. She had just spotted that reason in the inner courtyard.

Wearing only shirt and pants despite the cold, Eskel trained with the sword. Nothing was noticeable of the fact that he had only recovered from his severe poisoning a week ago. The blade reflected the sunlight as Eskel performed some quick, precise turns.

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