Chapter 28 - On a razor's edge

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Thalia was heavy in his arms. She took a faltering breath, was immediately shaken by a cough. A thin trickle of blood flowed out of the corner of her mouth - a strong contrast to her pale skin in the moonlight. Her hair bun had loosened and the wet strands framed her face. She was shaking. Her blurry gaze searched for Eskel's eyes.

The last few seconds seemed unreal, his mind refused to accept what had happened. He felt the crossbow bolt between his fingers, still in Thalia's back.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Shani and Yennefer hurrying towards them. Shani dropped to her knees next to her friend, lifted her eyelid and then felt her pulse on her neck. Carefully, she pushed Eskel's arm, holding Thalia up a little, to get a glimpse of the wound in Thalia's back. Her eyes widened briefly as she examined the injury.

The others, meanwhile, had noticed as well. When Eskel glanced up, he saw that Geralt, Lambert and Keira were looking over to them in dismay.

Laikos had dropped to his knees, stunned, Yonka's hand resting on his shoulder.

Shani's expression had darkened. "The bolt broke through the scapula and apparently entered the lungs. She has already lost a lot of blood." Shani thought for a moment. "If we remove the bolt, the bleeding may increase. But if it stays where it is, she could suffocate."

The doctor looked at Yennefer. "We are in a hurry. Can you stop the bleeding with your abilities while I remove the bolt?"
Yennefer's lips formed a thin line. "I can do that. But we have to get out of here quickly. I can get us all away from here by portal - to Kovir, where a colleague of mine can help us with Thalia's treatment. Years ago, I placed an anchor next to her house so we can make it to her with just one single jump. But if I exhaust my powers too much, I can not stabilize the portal until we all have passed through. Keira? Can you support us?"

Keira took a step closer. "My magic is returning slowly, but I'll do what I can. I'll be assuaging her pain while you take care of the bleeding-"

Yennefer nodded briefly, apparently already thinking of choosing the most appropriate spell.

"Yen ..." Geralt sounded worried as he stepped behind the sorceress.
"I know, Geralt. I'll be careful to not exhaust myself. Having gone through that experience once is enough for me."

Shani let out a deep sigh. "All right, we'll try to stabilize her and then bring her to Kovir." From her bag, she pulled clean bandages and a bottle, with the contents of which she drenched one of the strips of cloth. The fume of alcohol stung in Eskel's eyes.
With a pair of scissors Shani enlarged the crack in Thalia's tunic around the bolt.

Eskel still held her in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder. He quietly whispered to her reassuring words while the other women were preparing the procedure. Thalia flinched and gasped as Shani touched the bolt.

The sorceresses dropped to their knees next to Thalia, each with one hand on her back. Yennefer and Keira began to intone different spells. A milk-white glimmer flowed into Thalia's body, emanating from Yennefers fingers, while Keira's hands radiated a crimson glow.

Eskel pressed Thalia tightly against his chest. "It's alright, dear heart. You'll breath easier in a moment."

Keira's magic was already showing some effect, Thalia's trembling faded and her eyes cleared. Shani leaned over to Thalia's face. "Here, Thalia. I'll take the bolt out, but it will hurt." She slipped a strip of leather between Thalia's lips. "Bite on this." Thalia nodded weakly and pressed her teeth into the hard leather.

A pained moan escaped her as Shani removed the bolt. Eskel would have given anything to be in her place and to endure the pain for her.

The white glow of Yennefer's magic gained in intensity as she increased the spell to stop the flow of blood, which soaked Thalia's tunic more and more. Between the eyebrows of the sorceress, a steep crease had formed from concentration. Then finally, after many too long seconds, she seemed satisfied and let Shani know she could continue her treatment. Shani put on a pressure bandage, put the fabric around Thalia's body and fixed it. She took Eskel's hand, which lay on Thalia's back, and laid it on the wound. "Press lightly, that should prevent the bleeding from starting again."

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