I Dont Know What To Do

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Miles POV

Maya and I don't get along like we used to. when I married Maya, I knew she was it but something happened in those 9 years we were together. we both snapped. I hit her a couple of times. I told her I was sorry every time but she never said anything. we didn't have sex for half of the last year we were married.

I'm with the former West Drive actress Zoe Rivas. she went to Degrassi with Maya and I.

I should have know that a high school romance wouldn't last...

Maya's bringing me the girls today. I haven't seen them in a week. they are always going to be my number one priority. when Maya and I got married, we knew we wanted children so when Maya got pregnant with the girls, we were so happy.

As the girls grew up, life got harder. Maya and I started having money problems when the girls were about 4 or 5. I got a better job and got more money so that fixed our problems but, Maya thought I was having an affair with my assistant Ally. I wasn't, I would never have hurt Maya or my girls like that.

We got divorced and now we share the girls.

Maya's here now.

I walk to the door and open it.

"Daddy!" Maggie yells hugging me, Maddie just walked in and went to her room

"What's wrong with Maddie?" I asked Maya when she came in

"She didn't want to come because of your new girlfriend." she said rolling her eyes

"Come on Maya, we both moved on. can you just face the fact that I'm with Zoe!" I said as she sat on the couch

"Whatever. anyway the girls want us to go out tonight like they make us every month." Maya said as I sat next to her

"Ok. we will go to dinner and not talk as usual." I said

"I was thinking we could go to that new club that opened downtown." she said

"Ok fine, we can go."

"Great. I'll see you at 7."


"BYE GIRLS! bye Miles." she said as she walked out the door

What did I just get myself into...

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