chapter two.

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Wow, I'm so single :')

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"Come on, Allura!" I shouted over my shoulder as I bolted out the castles backdoors. I could hear her trying to keep up with my pace, but it didn't seem to go so well for her.

"Lance!" she whined. "Why the hurry? Slow down!"

"Just eager to beat you again", I lied as I ran over to the "sycamore tree" in the middle of the garden, where we always started our round of hide and seek. My avidity and rashness I had both yesterday and today was driving me crazy, and it drove me even more crazy when I tried to supress it. The thought of him was dangerous, and it thrilled me. It shouldn't had, but it still did. The impatience was something I could never get rid of.

When I reached the tree, I waited for Allura to sprint over to me, doubling over and panting loudly when she arrived. Her face was red from running.

"What happened to your fettle?" I laughed, the fact that I was about to see him again exciting me. I would get my answers today.

"Try running in a dress, Lance", she hissed, gaze sharp as she looked up at me.

"Just start counting", I urged, and she lifted her eyebrow, but said nothing about my eagerness. Instead, she stood properly, keeping her eyes on me as she walked over to the tree, but then turned her head away from me to press her forehead against her forearms that rested against the tree bunk. As soon as she started counting, I turned around and ran.

Running seemed easier today, like I knew my destination, and I settled for it. I flew over the rocks, gracious and precise steps. My hands worked automatically, pushing aside all the branches like they were nothing, dodging the bushes like they weren't even there. This time, it felt like I ran for a second, rather than ten minutes.

The cave was as dark as it was the first time I saw it, and I stopped for a second to listen if any sound came from inside. Nothing. Maybe Keith was on guard, afraid that I were someone else.

When I stepped inside, it smelled musky and smokey, like a fire had just been extinguished. Maybe that was the case, but I couldn't see anything nevertheless. I walked in deep enough to be surrounded by darkness completely.

"Keith?" I called softly, hoping that the benevolence in my tone would lure him out from whatever shadow he was hiding in. Was he even here? 

The leaves outside rustled in the light breeze, and for a second the cave was filled with a soft windy sound. I stood completely still, as if to radiate that I were no danger to him - I couldn't be even if I wanted to. I was no match to him.

Before my body had begun to be filled with disappointment that he didn't appear, a low voice said from somewhere: "I'm the only Galra here... for now."

I spun around, trying to find where his voice came from. "Keith? Is that you?"

"I'm no rebel, I'm in an organisation. Called the Blade of Marmora. We're all Galras trying to take down Zarkon and the ones following him." This time his words came from another direction.

I turned around again, blinking a million times as if that would better my sight. It didn't help one bit. "Keith, where are you?"

"They're out in space right now. My mom is out there too, collecting information for our advantages. They will be there for awhile, but they left me here to complete my part of our mission. What that mission is, I won't tell you." I heard the hint of a grin at the last sentence. 

"Where are you?" I repeated, a little bit more irritated, frustrated that I couldn't see him.

"And one more confession..."

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