chapter sixteen.

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Will I ever get a grip on my life and move on from Voltron?? Most likely not. And will I stop letting myself get too nostalgic over the times the show was still going and stop getting anxiety over that the fandom is falling apart??? Pfff NEVER.

Okay but like, my obsession over Voltron can't be neither normal or healthy, tf?? How tf do you move on from a show?? Never done it before.

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My family and all the paladins were seated at the dining table when I arrived to the castle, the food just served and steaming hot, luckily not one of Coran's odd fabrications and actually something edible, but as I stormed in, every head turned to look at me, just like before. I could even hear a fork drop loudly to the plate.

I could understand why everyone was looking at me like that. For a starters, I looked like I had accidentally missed Clear Day and had just been out of a regular storm in Drazan, hair tousled, crown barely on my forehead, but then it was my sudden appearance too, how I had just barged in to such a peaceful ambiance. Allura stared at me in the same way as before, eyes big and face looking confounded. Her mouth gaped around the ghost of what was supposed to be her first bite of the palmagoren fillet, and her chin hung lose like that for a while. Trigel just looked confused upon my arrival, and Gyrgan equally as baffled. Coran was twirling his mustache in wonder. Blaytz was the only one smiling, but then again, he smiled almost constantly, so this was nothing new. Dad was the first one to speak out of everyone in the dining table.

"Son, why so early?" He calmly placed down his eating utensil back on the table, giving me a look of wonder. His eyes looked even smaller from here, like two tiny, bright ovals. He gave out a little chortle, but it was anything but gleeful. "And why do you look like such a wreck? Did you get chased down by a Yalmor?" He chuckled again, and the deep rumbling of his laugh filled the big room like thick syrup, only that it wasn't that sweet anymore and it hadn't been for a while.
Upon the sound, Allura snapped out of her trance and closed her mouth with a smack, placing down her fork in a much less gracious way than our dad. She cleared her throat intently.

"Why do you smell like forest, Lance?" mom asked me, in that little voice of hers, resembling Allura's so much - or, Allura's voice was the one resembling mom's - and she had an anxious look on her face. I gulped.

"Tripped into a bush", I muttered, almost inaudibly, but then I gave my family all a look. "But hey, Hunk hasn't like... I don't know, contacted you or something?"

Dad immediately raised his eyebrow, the steam of his food twirling up to his face. "No, I don't recall receiving signal from Hunk. Is there a specific reason to?"

I internally breathed out, relieved that one problem was out of the way. But now I had another one to handle, and that being to explain my - what they would certainly call - strange behavior, and the reason as to why Hunk would even call them in the first place.

"Well... you see..." I scratched my neck, looking to the side, staring at one of the walls as if it could give me a logical story to use for this situation, but I was disappointed when it didn't. "I um... I..." Quiznack, I should have thought of something to say before I barged in here. Now I would have to take whatever came to mind. "I... There were changed plans, and... my communicating device ran out of energy on my way back home, while talking to Hunk. And then I... tripped into a bush...?" Everyone gave me odd looks, so I quickly added. "You know how my legs can be. Flawless looking but not so flawlessly working."

"Tell me about it", Trigel snarled. "I can't even count how many times you have somehow managed to trip over my equipments. It's like you have a very annoying obsession with the floor."

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