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T E N   Y E A R S   L A T E R

        I was sitting in my chambers in our palace on Asgard. Thinking, just thinking. It has been ten years since I was part of the Avengers. It has been ten long years since I had seen my friends. It still ponders me what they all are doing on Midgard. I have been living on Asgard ever since I was dismissed. I have not once been back to Midgard. I stood up, "I have to get out of here."

        I slowly made my way past the training room, the dining hall, and into the throne room. I knelt before the two, "Father," I glanced up at him, "Mother," I escaped a long stare. Sif and Father had since gotten married, and then she was crowned Queen of Asgard. When the time comes, I shall be crowned rightful heir to the throne. 

        "Airethena, there is no need to kneel before your own parents," Sif said politley, but poised.

        I stood up, "Yes, Mother."

        "What is it you need, Airethena?" Father asked.

        I looked down, took a deep breath, and looked at Father again, "I must leave. I cannot stand being cooped up in this palace. I cannot stand sitting around anymore," Father raised an eyebrow, "I wish to go to Midgard."

        "Why so?" he asked.

        "Not for long. Just to see what has changed in the last ten years. Father, I have been on Asgard for ten years doing nothing but sitting around waiting for something to happen. I wish to return to Midgard, even if it just for a short time."

        "I do not see what the harm is Thor," Sif said quietly to father, "We cannot just keep her held here. She is old enough to be on her own," she looked at Father intently, "Let her go." Sif was always one to be able to reason with Father.

        He nodded, "Very well. There is also someone waiting for you,," I turned my head to the side, "You will find them in the banquet hall."

        I bowed, "Thank you, Father," I turned on my heel, and left.

        I turned heading for the banquet hall. We only hold extremely important meals there. I wonder why someone is waiting there for me. When I finally reached the banquet hall, I opened the large wooden doors. Inside was a dark man; who had on a black coat, and his clothes were all black. He was turned around, so I could not see his face. When he finally turned, my suspicions where correct. The man had an eye patch on, "Director Fury, what are you doing here on Asgard?"

        "Came to talk to you."

        "And why would that be?" I demanded, not asked.

        "S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to bring back the Avengers Initiative. I was sent to bring you and Stark back," I rolled my eyes at the mention of Shadow's last name, he ignored it and continued, "Dark Sorceress is back."

        My eye's widened in surprise, "What do you mean she's back? Dark Sorceress is supposed to be in a prison on Asgard!"

        "Well apparently she's escaped. She's been spotted in New York," causing mayhem?, "Are you willing to come back to Earth, and protect the planet? 'Cause right now, Asgard's doing a hell of a job not protecting it."

        "Sorry, but right now Asgard is trying to protect it and Midgard from other problems," I replied.

        "Are you wanting to come back to Earth, and be apart of the New Avengers again? 'Cause if not, I don't think we've got a chance against Dark Sorceress."

        There was a long silence. I was trying to decide if I wanted to go back. I would be protecting Midgard, battling DS yet again... plus I would be returning to Midgard, and I would be able to see my friends. Director Fury stood there staring at me, which was getting a little creepy. I hung my head in defeat, "I will do it."

        "Great. Now how the hell do I get out of here?" Director Fury asked, looking around. I smirked, he didn't seem to be liking the overuse of gold in the city.

        "That will take a bit. I suggest you stay here until I am ready to leave. I do have to get things together, you did arrive very unexpectedly."

        "You better be ready to leave quick then," I chuckled a bit before I noticed he was not kidding. I stopped, and turned to leave to go tell Father.

New Avengers (the sequel + sequel-sequel) ---> @Avengerdaughters.  

NOTE: this chapter is unedited + not re-rewritten yet. my bad. 


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