Ch. 17 - A Treatless Halloween

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Happy Halloween everyone! I've been rushing to get this chapter out in time for Halloween and I'm so happy I did 😆. This is kind of a random, silly chapter so don't take it too seriously lol.

That time of the year had finally come. The night where children raced across neighborhoods to collect candy that they would never eat and where adults used the holiday as an excuse to dress up and drink until they passed out. This Halloween was different from the rest, however, because it would be the first year where androids could participate. Jericho went all out on this opportunity by throwing a costume party.

On the night of the 31st, everyone arrived at Jericho 2.0 dressed in a versatile range of costumes.

Chloe had dressed up as Alice from Alice in Wonderland (inspired by the actress's actual costume Connor was dressed as a typical vampire with the black cloak and fake fangs. Chloe had done his makeup, powdering his face and slicking his hair back and even drew blue blood coming out of his mouth. Together, they made a fairytale-esque couple.

Markus and Simon had done a couple's costume as Sherlock and Watson respectively. North dressed as Black Widow and Josh was werewolf. To no one's surprise, Hank didn't really try and just wore a black sweater with a skeleton on it. Conan went as James Bond, which was just an excuse for him to wear a suit. He had managed to convince Gavin to come, who was a cat for some reason.

Things were going pretty well until suddenly, the lights went out. Everything was pitch black except for the android's red LEDs. A high-pitched scream rang across the room.

"Who turned out the f*cking lights!" Gavin's voice came from the left.

Hank said in a similar grumpy manner, "This better not be some goddamn prank."

Chloe felt a hand rest on hers. She couldn't see his face well, but knew who it was. "Are you ok?" Connor asked.

"I'm fine." Chloe smiled. "I didn't know how dark this room could get!"

From the right, came North's voice. "Josh, were you the one who screamed?"

"I was startled...that's all." He mumbled embarrassingly.

"Didn't sound like it to me." She snickered.

Chloe heard footsteps and saw a flashlight turn on in Markus's hand. Everyone gathered around the light so they could at least faintly see each other's faces.

"Where'd ya get that?" Hank asked.

"I found it in that cabinet." Markus answered. "I'm sure there's more scattered around."

"Oh, just perfect." Gavin groaned. "Now I'm stuck at this lame party!"

"Detective, don't be rude." Conan frowned. "We are guests."

"I didn't want to be here in the first place, but you dragged me to this sh*thole!" He glared at the android.

"I'm not fond of parties either, but at least I'm not complaining like a child." Conan retorted. "What you say is irrelevant."

Gavin snapped. "Oh really? Well you know what I got to say to you asshole?"

"There is no need to fight." Connor intervened. "We can all work this out toge—"

"Stay out of this!" They said in unison.

"Everyone be quiet!" Markus commanded and sure enough, the room got quiet. "Just stay calm. It's probably just a small blackout. I'll go check the building's junction box and see if there's a problem."

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