Chapter 7

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As Harry got in the car to go pick up Zayn, his phone rang. Liam's name flashed on the screen. "Hey Li."

"Hey H. What are you up to I'm bored." Liam groaned. 

It was then that Harry noticed that he hadn't spoken to Liam since the party and Harry was beyond glad that Liam didn't feel the need to ask where Harry had disappeared too, considering he was on his way to the loo and never returned. He didn't know how he was going to explain it to anyone if they asked so for now, he was thankful Liam didn't say anything about it.

"Wanna grab burgers?" Harry asked, deciding it would be fun to have Liam around.

"Sure, man." Liam replied, obviously relieved to be doing anything. This made Harry chuckle, Liam was adorable.

"Okay. I'll pick you up. Get ready, I'll be there in 5." Harry said, closing the line before he could answer. 

He got in his car and drove to Liam's house. It wasn't far from his so he hoped Liam was ready cause he honestly wasn't in the mood to wait. Thankfully, when Harry pulled up, Liam was sitting on his porch awaiting Harry's arrival. Liam never made Harry wait long though, he was always that friend that was there relatively on time. He was really punctual. Unlike Niall, Niall could have you waiting outside his house for an hour then ending up asking you to come up cause he hadn't gotten up yet.

"Hey mate." Liam greeted, entering the car and buckling his seat belt.

"Hey Li." Harry hoped Liam wouldn't ask where they were going. Because, Harry didn't even know where they were going. Harry turned up the volume of the radio and thankfully, Liam said nothing. He just stared out of the window.

When they started pulling up at Zayn's house, Liam looked at Harry, giving him a confused look. "What-"

"You'll see, just wait." Harry said, not in the mood to explain the situation. 

Harry honked to indicate that he's outside and in less than 5 minutes, Zayn walked outside, with Louis trailing behind him. When both of them saw each other, their eyes locked. Clearly evident that both of them didn't know the other was coming. But Harry didn't say anything, and neither did Louis when he got into the car. 

"Where we going, Zayn?" Harry asked, impatient to get to the place.

"Joey's." Harry's entire body froze and his breath hitched, memories hitting him like a tidal wave.

Harry was waiting for Louis outside Joey's. It was a weekly tradition that both of them would go on a Saturday to Joey's at 8 and pig out. It was the Saturday of the week Harry came out to Louis and his parents. Harry hadn't spoken to Louis since but he didn't think anything of it. Even though the tradition hadn't lasted long they usually wouldn't talk about it that day, just show up at 8 no matter what. Harry was excited, he had missed Louis. He hadn't spoken to the lad since Wednesday. He had gotten used to talking to Louis everyday so it was really weird. But he was excited to finally see him again.

When Harry spotted Louis approaching he waved him over but Louis looked different, he looked angry. He was almost stomping towards Harry. Harry's heart beat started to pick up, what was wrong? Had he done something to upset Louis? Why was Louis so angry? Harry didn't understand.

"H-hey Louis." Harry stuttered, fearing how scary Louis looked in that moment. Louis didn't greet harry back though, before Harry knew it, Louis had him up against the wall. Harry gasped, "Louis? Louis what's wrong?"

"You're what's fucking wrong, Harry." Louis spat before punching him -hard- in the face. Harry gasped loudly. He was shocked. He didn't know what he had done to make Louis this angry.

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