but at least i have the memory

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Meanwhile, back in the Land of Aaa...

Marshall sat in his bed, staring at a necklace in his palm. It was the gift he had given you for Christmas. The red gem belonging to the Lost Crown of the first King of Gods. His mind replayed the last time you'd hugged him, cleverly wrapping the golden chain around his axe. Fionna and Cake had also been given gems. You offered the blue one to Fionna when you took her hand in your own, and hidden the white one in Cake's fur after she'd hugged you.

But why? Was there some sort of significance in handing these gems over to the three of them?

Thinking back on that day, he suddenly became sad and angry all at once. Sad because that was the last time he had ever held you. Angry because there was nothing he could do about you being traded off like that. This deal was one that involved the Gods. It was beyond anyone's power. Though he was reckless and childish, he knew when to stay in his place.

His hand closed around the crimson colored stone—his fangs barring in frustration.

Damn you, { your name }. He thought to himself. Why did you have to lie to me for so long? Why didn't you just tell me? I never would've hated you for it. I would've supported you no matter what. His hand had begun to shake. The hair falling over his eyes masked the glassiness in them. But I suppose you had your reasons. Tears began falling down his cheeks in crystalline beads, splashing onto the blankets in his lap. No matter how kind someone came across, you kept your true identity to yourself. Though you accepted people as your friends, you knew that somehow they might've ended up hurting you in the end. I know I did. You were wise enough to keep everyone at arm's length. You acted naïve because you knew nothing about the real world. But you weren't so clueless when you understood what needed to be done.

He recalled the day he'd discovered you were a demigod. It was the final battle with Aria, right after he'd bitten you.

"I...I bit her."


"I promised myself that I would never bite anyone. Not after what happened to me... I never wanted anyone to feel what I felt."

"You know it wasn't your fault, right? You know Aria made you attack her."

"Of course I know, but it still happened. I can't help but feel guilty about it. She'll never walk in the sun again, and it's all because of my bite."

The bubblegum prince raised a brow, eyeing a golden sap dripping from the Vampire King's chin.

"Isn't this { your name }'s blood?"

"It should be, yeah. That's... weird though." He wiped a bit from his chin. "Her blood is gold."

"Very weird, indeed..." He pondered this for a moment—his soft pink eyes widening slowly. "Tell me, Marshall... who are the only people that have golden blood?"

"Jeez, Bubba. I didn't know there'd be a test."

"Answer the freaking question!"

"Okay, okay! The only people that have golden blood are... gods."


"So what? You think { your name } is a god?"

"No. But I think she's of godly descent. If she were a god, this battle would've been over before it even started. I believe { your name } is a demigod."

"Pffft, what? If she were a demigod, she would've told us. And before all of you, she definitely would've told me."

"Actually, I'd doubt she even told the wind."

The Trials of a Hero -- A Marshall Lee FanficWhere stories live. Discover now