Part 2...

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~Steph's POV~

We got back to the hotel after the diving, and I went straight to my room, I had to call Chris but I really didn't want to. We'd been going out for almost a year now, and the first few weeks were amazing. He seemed like the perfect boyfriend. But a couple of months into the relationship, his true personality showed and he began abusing me. No one else knew about it, not even my best friend, Kaja. Up until now, I couldn't break up with him, he scared me too much. But yesterday, we went out as a surprise for my birthday and it was a really good evening, until we got home. He was drunk and I wouldn't cook him food. It was 3am and I was shattered, so I refused to make him a meal. That's when he snapped, I'd been waiting for it all evening. He shoved me into the counter, bent my arm behind my back, further and further until I couldn't bear it any more. I screamed and said i would make him something and he let go of my arm, started to walk into the lounge, but turned round at the last minute and punched me in the face. I got a black eye and when my mum asked about it today, I said that I had got it from falling down a couple of steps. She didn't look convinced but didn't ask any more.

But that was the last straw. I had to end it. I rang him and told him how I felt, but before I could finish what I was saying, he shouted down the phone, screaming horrible names at me. He demanded to know where I was staying, but I just hung up and deleted his number from my phone, hoping that I would never have to see him again.

I got ready to go out for my meal with my parents and waited for them at the door to their room. I could hear my dad sighing loudly, like he does when he's getting impatient. My mum was taking years to get ready, as usual. I smiled, thinking of my family. We were very dysfunctional, but I loved it. We were all finally ready, even after my dad lost his car keys and found them, after 10 minutes of frantic searching, in his pocket like they always were. We left and drove to the restaurant, sitting down at a table near the window so we could look out at the beautiful sight of London at night.

~tom's POV~

As I got ready to go out for the meal, I knew I should be thinking about the next day, the semi finals. But instead, I couldn't stop thinking about that girl in the crowd.

She was beautiful, with long brown curly hair, lightly tanned skin, and from what I could see from the platform, gorgeous hazel eyes. The eyes that had been glaring at me for the entire time that I was on the diving board. I tried to put her out of my mind, and left my room. I met my family outside the village, and we drove to Frankie & Benny's. When we got there, my eyes were immediately drawn to the table by the window. The girl from earlier was sat there, with an older man and woman. They were all laughing, but the the woman happened to glance over in my direction. I heard her whisper excitedly to the girl, 'Oh my God Steph, it's Tom Daley!' So that was her name, Steph. She saw me and her expression completely changed. She glared at me even more than she had at the competition. I smiled and she rolled her eyes.

I could see already that this was going to be a challenge.

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