Chapter 24

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Silence. Nothing but silence when you woke up. No loud tv, no playful arguments, no commotion, nothing. It was kind of refreshing to have time to yourself, but it was lonely. You got out of bed and sat on your couch, rubbing your eyes. You texted Junie and told her about your new place and to come over, she would be over later. You also texted your mom and told her the news, she was excited for you. Your mom, you really missed her, she's been gone for months and still doesn't know when she will be back. Your stomach started growling and you realized you didn't have any food so you got dressed and went to the grocery store. After your shopping trip, you saw Junie coming into the building the same time you were. She helped you with the bags and you went up to your apartment and put the food away. 

"Nice place." Junie said. 

"Thanks. How are things with you and Seungjoo so far?" You asked. 

"Oh, about that. He asked me to be his girlfriend." She said, blushing. 

"Already? What did you say?!" 

"Yes, of course." 

"Omo! Congratulations!" You hugged her and she blushed even more. 

"Stop, you're embarrassing me." She touched her cheeks and you laughed."What about you?" She asked. 

"What about me?" You asked. 

"You know." 


"Taehyung and Jimin. What are you going to do?" She asked. You sighed. 

"I don't know!" You whined. "I like both of them, why can't I have both of them?" You groaned and put your head on the counter. She giggled and pulled you back up. 

"All I can say is follow your heart." She said. You looked at her. 

"You're not the first person to say that. How am I supposed to follow my heart when my heart doesn't even know what it wants?" 

"Well, who are you closer to?" She asked. You thought for a minute. 

"I think, maybe-" 

"Sorry, hold that thought. Yeoboseyo?" She answered her phone, by the way she was smiling, it was probably Seungjoo. You just shrugged and finished putting the last bit of food away. When she got off the phone, she skipped back to you. "Seungjoo wants to take me to have lunch with his parents! I'll see you later." She gave you a quick hug and left. You huffed when you realized you were all alone again. Throughout the day, neighbors were coming around, giving you house - warming gifts and greeting you nicely. Later, the guys had dropped in for a "surprise" visit. It wasn't really a surprise because you knew they would be over sooner or later. 

"Yes, you have food!" Yoongi yelled as he raided your fridge. 

"Yah, Min Yoongi! Get out of my fridge!" You yelled. He pulled his head out with food already in his mouth. You rolled your eyes and stifled a laugh. 

"(Y/n), has Junie been here yet?" 

"Yeah, she came over earlier but she ditched me for her boyfriend." You said, nonchalantly. 

"Boyfriend? So she really is over me!" Taehyung said, feigning hurt. 

"Yah, Kim Taehyung, quit worrying about that!" You said, making seem like you were playing along when really, you were a little upset. He came up next to you and put his arm over your shoulder. He got very close to your ear and smirked. 

"Why should I? Are you jealous?" He asked. You put a hand on his chest in attempt to push him away. 

"Eh? Me, jealous? Pft, you wish." 

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