Chapter 22 : Apology Accepted

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Alison POV -

As I woke up I had a huge headache and I realized I cried myself to sleep last night. My head was pounding I never cried that hard since my mother died. From all the crying my ears finally popped so I can hear the music that was playing it was the same song on repeat. Which made me wanna cry and I laid back down I gotta text. It better not be -A im not in a mood, As I but my hair in a bun I grabbed my phone, It was from my dad. 

Coming back in three days meeting was cut short I hope your having fun with Emily ;) oh and p.s. check the mail -Dad

Since when does my dad send winky faces I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I put on a black T-shirt and Emily sweats that she left over here. As I went downstairs I put some hot water in the mircowave so I can have tea Im not really a coffee person as I went to the door and opened it .... Emily was standing there.

"Can we talk" Emily said. I was gonna slam the door in her face but since im the one who pushed her and sydney together so I let her in. "Su-re" my voice cracked. I cleared my throat "Sure" I said. As she came in she just stared at me. "Just give me a mintue" I said. Emily sat down on the couch and started to rub her thighs maybe because she was nervous or maybe she doesnt wanna be here because of her incident. I went to the bathroom to fix myself up I put my hair down and put eye drops in my eyes as well. I was about to leave but I decided to put on Emily favorite lip gloss.

Emily POV -

Ali was talking forever I really wasnt comfortable here I was still getting over...Jason but I was here to win Ali back. My heart was pounding I was so nervous. The mircowave went off and it literally scared the hell out of me as I went over and took out the cup.

"So what do you wanna talk about" Alison said while coming back into the room. As I turned around her hair changed and her eyes werent red was she trying to look decent for me the thought of it made me blush. "What happend to your bun it look cute on you" I smiled. "Look Em im really not in a mood what do you wanna tell me" Alison said. I looked at the ground, "Me and Sydney" I said. Alison scoffed "If you came to rub it in my face you can just leave" Alison snapped. "Rub what in your face?" I questioned. "I get it okay youre a couple its fine you can do whatever you want" Alison snapped. "Then why are you so angry" I shouted. "Im not angry!" Alison shouted. I knew shouting wasnt helping anything I stood there and started to think. "Alison are you mad because Im with someone instead of you?" I asked. Alison scoffed , "Get over yourself okay" Alison said. "No answer the question... youre mad because you can stand to see me with anyone else" I said. "Okay! fine I cant stand it ! Okay I cant stand seeing you with anyone because it makes me sick" Alison snapped. "And what are you gonna do about it" I said. I totally made a sexual turn there I hope she notice.

Alison POV -

Did Emily take this to a whole different level I stood there to think this through so I just went with my heart.

"You wanna know what Im going to do?" I said. Emily shrugged her shoulders. I walked up her and kissed her passionately as Emily pulled away we looked into eachother eyes as I look down Emily grabbed my face and kissed me. Things were getting hot and heavy and I started to take off her varsity jacket and threw it somewhere. I wrapped my hands around her neck as she wrapped her hands around my waist. Ive been waiting for this moment forver I wasnt holding back anything. Emily began to take off my shirt and I let her thats the first time our lips seperate when she took off my shirt we started to kiss again our tongue collided. I took off Emily shirt too see her amazing body.

Emily POV -

As Alison was taking my shirt off I looked into her beautiful blue gray eyes and picked her up and put her counter she wrapped her beautiful legs around my waist while I kissed her neck Alison moaned I thought god I missed that noise.

"I love you Emily" Alison moaned. I looked into her eyes "Alison I-I dont love you" I said with a straight face I can see her the look on her face I can tell her heart dropped then a smile can across my face. Alison hit me across my arm. "Thats not funny" Alison shouted. I began to laughed she look so sexy when she was mad. "Im sorry I love you more Alison DiLaurentis" I said. I caressed her face and cupped her face in my right hand and just looked into her eyes. She started to blush and smile, I started to see her left dimple show "Why are you staring at me like that?" Alison asked while blushing. "Youre beautiful" I said softly. She looked back at me with those goregous eyes. I leaned forward and kissed her gently then harder I picked her back up and she started to play with my hairs while french kissing me. She was so sexy I started to suck on her bottom lip as she moaned.

Alison POV -

Emily was such a romantic it was crazy how bad im in love with this girl everything about her made me crazy. As Me and Emily were kissing I pressed her against the nearest wall and kissed around her jaw line then down her neck leaving bite marks I reached her chest then her stomach I heard Emily moan it was cute and sexy at the time I began to kiss her lips again I thought Ive never kissed anyone like I kiss Emily she was such a good kisser her kisses were like a drug to me. I started to unbutton her pants

"Ali wait" Emily stopped me. "Whats wrong" I asked. She look down and I saw a tear roll down her cheek. "Is this about Jason?" I asked. Emily looked back at me and her eyes were watery and sad she looked crazy beautiful when she cried. "Em youre safe youre with me now and I'll make sure no one touches you" I said while touching her arms and looking into her eyes. "We dont have to do anything Im just glad your here and were together.. we can do anything you want, wanna watch a movie and cuddle on the couch or I can make hot chocolate and we can watch freaky foodies or I can read too you... anything you want" I said while smiling. "Youre amazing" Emily said with tears in her eyes. I wiped her tears, "Hey hey just remember #EMISON" I said we laughed together. " #Emison forever and always" Emily said. "You know I heard its Endgame" I winked at her. Emily laughed. "Come on lets watch a movie" Emily said. As we moved to the couch. Me and Emily put in Titanic and sat on down and cuddle. As we got to the middle I fell asleep in Emilys arms.

Emily POV -

Alison put in Titanic and I knew she was gonna fall asleep. After an hour I heard Alison snoring lightly she was so adorable i love this girl to the moon and back

"I love you Emily" Alison whispered. Is she talking in her sleep? I started to giggle "I love you more Alison" She dug her head into my chest and held her even tighter. Two hours pasted and I was at the end of the movie "Never let go Jack never let go" Rose Dawnson said. I started to tear up I started to sniff and before I know it tears were rolling down my face. "Never let go"

Alison POV -

I was asleep and I thought I heard Emily sniff like she was crying. I looked up and she was crying at the movie.

"Hey Emily are you okay?" I said and pulled away so I can face her. Emily started to wipe her tears."Huh what yeah im okay"-- "Are you crying?" I started to chuckle. "What no" Emily scoffed. I gave her a look. "Okay maybe dont tell anyone I cry at romantic movies" Emily said. I laughed and kissed her Emily started to bite my bottom lip. "Umm are you trying to turn me on?" I said. "Maybe" Emily pulled me closer and smiled. She leaned in to kiss me and I deepend the kiss... now Im laying on top of Emily while she held me at the waist. I pulled away "Come on" I said while sitting up. "Where are we going" Emily asked and got her shoes. "Upstairs" I said. "Ali I-I" I cut off Emily "We'll just sleep I promise" I said and put my hand out. Emily grabbed my hand and our fingers interwined as we went up stairs and fell alseep in eachother arms. "Nothing and No one can come between this was the best day ever" I wispered.

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