Chapter 25 : Room Full of Tears In a Flash

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Alison POV -

As I entered the hospital with the girls.

"I'm here to see Emily Fields she just got admitted" I rushed. "Ms.Fields is in surgery you'll have to wait" The lady said. God I was so sick and tired of people tell me to wait Spencer saw my expressions and she grabbed before I said something. "Hey Emily is fine okay you need to chill" Spencer said. "Excuse me Ma'am?" Spencer said. "Ugh please don't call me ma'am I'm not old I'm twenty-one" The lady said. This lady was annoying the hell outta me, "Look I don't -" Hanna cut me off and put her hand over my mouth. Spencer mouthed "Thank you" to Hanna. "Sorry is Dr.Kingston Emily's doctor?" Spencer asked. "No Dr.Kingston was released for unknown reasons" the lady said. "When can we see Emily" Spencer said. "Are you family?" The lady said. "Yes of course we are like sister and that's her girlfriend" Spencer pointed to me. The lady looked at me in a dirty way "Her ! the bitchy one I feel bad for Emily" The lady said. Okay that's it I started to tell her off but she couldn't hear what I was saying cause Hanna had her hand across my mouth Hanna started drag me into the waiting room. As I sat down "What is wrong with you" Hanna snapped. "That bitch asked for it" I snapped. "Look we all know you wanna see Emily we all do but Ali come on you cant act like that" Aria said. I saw Spencer come over here I stood up. "Well" I snapped. "She had eternal bleeding she needs stitches above her right eye and she broke her left arm the doctor says we'll be able to see her when she wake up" Spencer explained. "This is all my fault" I said softly. "Ali how in the hell is this your fault?" Hanna said. "I wouldn't let her come with me if she would've came with me inside my house this would've never happened" I said I felt myself starting to tear up. "I'm going to call my Mom in Law i'll be right back" I added and left.

Aria POV -

Did Alison just say Mom in Law are they getting married?

"Okay what the hell ! When did Emily give Alison a ring !" Hanna snapped. "She didn't... I think she was just talking" Spencer said. "I mean its totally okay if they were but I thought we be there when she did" Aria said. "Emily is a romantic of course we'll be there" Spencer said. As we sat down I was really worried about Emily

Alison POV -

As I walked away from the girls I began to tear up. I don't know if I can tell her that her daughter was hurt again as I called her mother I began to cry.

"Hello? Alison?" Mrs.Fields. "You need to come to the emergency room Emily been in an accident again" I said in tears. "Honey look up and turn around" Mrs.Fields. As I looked up and turned she was standing a couple of yards from me I ran up to her a cried. "I'm so sorry this is my fault" I cried. She hugged me tightly "Hey its not your fault" She said. "It is someone attacked me and you know Emily she my knight and shining armor she saved my life" I cried. "Honey Emily loves you okay she like her father she risk her own life for the one she loves" Mrs.Fields "Hey she gonna be fine she a fighter like her girlfriend" Mrs.Fields winked at me as we walked toward the hospital. "Mrs.Fields can I call you mom?" I asked nervously. "Hell yeah i was waiting on when you were gonna ask me to be your mom in law" Mrs.Fields laughed. As we laughed we walked into the hospital and the doctor was walking to the girls. I ran up to him "Come on give me the news I cant take it come five it to me" I said with strength. "Honey Emily-" I cut the doctor off with my crying "She gone isn't she I'm sorry Emily!" I cried into Hanna shirt. "Um Alison honey she awake you can go see her" The doctor said. I stopped crying, "She what?" I questioned. Everyone looked up in shock "Shes -" I didn't let doctor finish I ran pass him to find Emily room. Everything felt like it was in slow motion it felt like I took forever to  find her room then I ran into a random room and looked around "Ali?" I heard Em  voice. I turned around in slow motion and he eyes met mine it felt like the first time I saw her. She smiled at me and she smiled just lit up my whole world I walked up to her a hugged her made sure I was careful because of her arm. "I missed you Em I'm so sorry that is all my fault I -" Emily cut me off. "Shut and kiss me" Emily laughed. I smiled and leaned to kiss her Emily put her good hand on my cheek to deepen the kiss Emily pulled away. "God Ive missed your lips" The words escaped her mouth. I smiled and blushed "I love you Emily Catherine Fields" I said while looking into her beautiful brown eyes God I love looking into her eyes. The song 'Every breath you take' kept playing over and over again in mind I thought I was gonna cry. "I love you too Alison Lauren DiLaurentis" Emily returned and when I heard that I did actually start to cry. "Babe why are you crying?" Emily asked. "Tears of joy" I laughed. I leaned in to kiss her again when our tongue collided I felt like I was falling in love all over again. "Awe I'm so jealous" Hanna whispered. Me and Emily pulled away and looked at the door. "Nice Hanna" Aria whispered. I saw Emily blush "Come in" Emily said.

Emily POV -

After I was kissing Alison the butterflies didn't leave my stomach as the girls and my mother entered to the room. We talked about old memories together as best friends and family seeing Alison and my mom get along was a heartwarming moment... seeing them laugh together made me laugh and smile harder Alison kept moving back and fourth between me and my mother. We were talking about my first dive and Alison did this cute thing were she tilt her head back and laughed. Seeing her smile and the sparkle in her light blue eyes made me smile it was like the first time I saw her but this time my dreams were a reality the room was full of laughter and that when everything went south.

"Honey there you are" Mrs.Hastings came in. Spencer stop laughing "Here I am whats going on" Spencer smiled she couldn't stop giggling. "Its Toby" Mrs.Hastings said with tears. "Oh I should call him he probably off his plane" Spencer said while taking out her phone. "Honey Toby died she was on his way to the house and he was in a bad car crash he gone" Ms.Hastings said looking at Spencer breaking down crying. Hanna and Aria and her mom was holding her and Alison and My mother was holding me while I broke down crying I felt like my heart was suffocating and I couldn't breathe. "Honey I'm sorry its gonna be okay its gonna be okay" Mrs.Hastings tired to comfort Spencer but all she did was cried harder. "No! This cant be I just talk him he said he- he said loves me this cant be happening please mom tell me its not true" Spencer cried. "I'm sorry honey" Mrs.Hastings cried. I broke free from Alison and My Mom and got up I was in pain but I didn't care Spencer needed me and I needed her Toby was like a brother to me and i lost him.I slowly walked over to Spencer and Aria Hanna and her mom let go Spencer hugged me tightly and we cried together. "Whats going in here" Caleb and Ezra came in. The girls ran to their boyfriends and cried. "Toby was hit by a car and he passed away" Hanna cried. As Caleb and Ezra held their girlfriends I saw Alison cry into my mom arms....

How can a room full of laughter become a room full of tears in a flash?

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