Chapter 8

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Once Dex got a sixth notebook, things got worse. As he left the classroom, he heard a large snap and heard Baldi's ruler again. He looked to the side and saw that Baldi's neck had snapped right in the middle, almost like a broken twig, his head lying limp on his shoulder with the same lifeless expression. As Dex was running for his life, he saw Gotta Sweep passing through the halls, trailing a black liquid behind it. He lost Baldi and picked up the final notebook. As he started towards the exit, he hears a loud voice ringing through the hallways. It was Baldi. "Congratulations! You found all seven notebooks!" He shouted. "Now all you have to do is, ​GET HIDSNASNKDNWHASKJD​" Dex didn't hear the last thing he said and he didn't want to. He spotted an exit and ran towards it, only for it to disappear and a map appeared in its place. "I must have to find all four exits!" Dex shouted aloud, not caring who heard him. He turned into the next hallway to see Arts and Crafters zooming towards him, mouth open and liquid flying out. He ran over to the next two exits, Arts and Crafters and Baldi both pursuing him. Dex felt his left eye burning beyond belief and he covered it with his hand while he was running. He spotted the last exit and ran for it as fast as his legs could carry him. He lunged for the doors..
And disappeared from the game

*First person POV*

You feel your heart beating faster and faster. This isn't what you expected when you found the little education game. You find the third exit and start bolting for it, the frowning math teacher close behind. You touch the doors and start running towards the fourth and final exit. Gotta Sweep passes by you and you hitch a ride to your destination. With Baldi gaining on you, you touch the final set of yellow doors and everything goes white.
You find yourself in a new hallway, shorter than the others. You turn around and a large message is displayed in the air. "You won! There's room for improvement though..." It reads, "Go see Baldi in his office for some tips!". You look down the hallway and see a green door labeled Baldi's Office. The hallway has no other doors, so you figure you have no choice but to go in. You take shaky steps towards the door and open it slowly. Inside is a glitchy mass that blocks half of the room. You walk past it and what you see scares you. There's a small desk with a banana on it and behind it is a small chalkboard. Behind the desk is a boy. His skin is completely transparent and his left eye is shrunken down, looking like a tiny dot more than an eye. He has dark brown hair, a red tee shirt, and baggy blue jeans. He seems to hover in place.
You can tell that he was once human. He looks up at you and his eyes, or eye, curves upwards, showing that he's smiling.
"Oh jeepers, you found me"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2018 ⏰

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