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Days passed, she became a little bit of alright. But the wound was still there. She have fallen and she knows there wasn't a chance to get up because no one's helping her to.

Last time she was crying was the birthday bash of her boyfriend—her ex boyfriend, Hanbin. She wasn't invited and on his birthday so she crashed it on her own and made a scene. She made a promise that she won't be pitied but desperation comes first that day. She ended up begging for him to comeback again.

"Please Hanbin, comeback..." she was shaking that day. There was no chance for him to comeback but she was still lowkey hoping.

Like he always does when she begs, he refused again.

"Be kind to yourself Jennie. We are better off as friends."

Their relationship lasted for 3 years and yet he wanted them to be just friends? She need a reason. Her questions need to be answer.

Her grandfather's burial was today but she didn't come and visit. Besides the fact that she just gonna break down there, her relatives don't want her to because they keep on insisting that his grandfather had a heart attack because of her.

She remembered that, that day was the time that she and Hanbin broke up. She got home drunk and confessed what happened to his grandfather.

"Dad..." she started off. "Hanbin broke up with me and I'm really really clueless why did he do that."

Her grandfather was furious because of that. He was so mad that it became his cause of death. If her relatives blames her, then she blames herself more.

Towards her parents' divorcement... she doesn't have a news from them. It has been weeks since she was not going home. Besides the fact that his grandfather wasn't there anymore, she needs alone time. She's staying with her friend, Jisoo.

Jennie was looking for her flip flops because she is planning to walk outside again. Jisoo seemed to notice her get up so she asked her.

"Where are you going?" Jisoo curiously asked.

Jennie finally find her flip flops and put it onto her feet. "Just... outside."

Jisoo's eyebrow raised. "With whom?"

She looked at her as if she's confused and Jisoo seemed to understand it.

"You know, a date!"

"Seriously?" She asked in disbelief. "With a clothes like this?" She stared down to see her white shirt and ripped jeans.

"I'm just checking. You know, we'll never thought if you'll get over him." By the words him, she already know who was it.

"I will. Just not now," she said honestly. But at this moment, it seemed unable to escape from the trap she made for him and herself.

"Okay, I'll take a sleep now. You have spare keys right? Stay safe Jennie. Enjoy your walk, I guess?" Jisoo mumbled.

She smirked at her and bid her a goodbye.


There she was again, walking alone in the middle of the night. Just passing by some street lights and some few busy people. Thinking about the things she should have done but realized that all of it was too late.

Her eyes is swollen, red, and tired from crying. She never cried in Jisoo's apartment. Maybe because she doesn't feel alone there or maybe because she needs to be alone to let out all of her thoughts.

Since she was started walking, she also began to let all her tears drop. She do wants to vent all of it out because she wants to be numb from everything that she feels.

Jennie remembered her grandfather.

"If you need to heal, get anesthesia to feel numb first," his grandfather noted.

She wants to heal and get numb but she's going that other way round. She get to feel it and be dumb and she hates it.

Breaking down again means she's giving up. She doesn't want that to happen but she needs it, her body needs to be a mess just for the first time.

And so she breaks down. Not caring about anything, or anyone who'll see her.

All of the hurts, the wounds, the stupidy that she have done, she vent out all of it by crying nonstop.

She was in the middle of breaking down when a familiar manly voice have spoken up.

"Didn't you told me that I should approach you when I see you crying again?"

She looked up just to see the prince that he dreamed when she was a little. The prince was standing bravely, with no trace of cowardy. He has those sympathetic chocolate eyes that anyone would love to stare.

And then, she remembers what she said last week.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I made this inconvenience with you. I'm just... emotional and all but I'm alright. If you will ever saw me crying in the street again, please approach me. But if you will see me happy in the street then... just forgot everything you saw today,"

STREET LIGHTS - jenyongWhere stories live. Discover now