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Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

Even if saving you sends me to heaven

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I was fixing myself in the mirror when I thought about Taeyong. It has been a week since he bring me to Street Lights. After my favorite song got played, nothing really important or magical happened next. I was surprise that he didn't brag about my problems neither why did I cried, I was relieved he didn't though. Nothing happened. But oh, he just asked for my number.

"Can I get your number?" He asked hesitantly.


I don't want to be rude but given the fact that we just have met each other, it's seemed very fast for the 'getting the number' part.

He ended up giving his digits to me. As he said, I can contact him whenever I want to or need to. I highly doubted that.

When I remembered his number to my contacts, I immediately snatched my phone at the top of the cabinet. I tapped the contact app and scrolled for his contact name. .....Taeyong. I named him that in my contact because he was the last person that I want to text.

I'm already ready to go out. But I'm kind of hesitating if I should go to the Street Lights or not. From the last time I've gotten there, I enjoyed lots of things. The music, the ambiance, the food, I love everything about that dining house and there is something in it that makes me wanna comeback and feel again what did I feel on the first time I was there. That's why... I decided to go back to visit the Street Lights again.

Since I'm not still familiar with the place, I want to go there with Taeyong again. But I'm shy. He might think that I am asking him out.

"You're going out again?" Jisoo was almost hysterical when she spoke up to ask me the same question whenever I go outside in the middle of the night.

My friend was wearing her usual get up again from the café that she was going in as a barista.

"Yeah," I didn't want to lie at her, so maybe I should tell her the truth. "I'm going out this past few weeks because I've find a good diner. You get it? Aesthetics and all," or maybe the half-truth.

"What's the name of the diner?"

I gave her a smile. Just remembering the neon sign makes me smile, "Street Lights."

I don't want her to know that I was crying in the middle of the street whenever I go outside. I trust her enough but it'll be a big burden to her. I don't want her to pity me because I hate to be pitied.

"I see," Jisoo was kind of suspecting, I am informed with that. But I am relieved and assured that she didn't dig further.

After our conversation, I immediately dashed out from her apartment, forgot to bid a goodbye to her since I am excited and in a rush at the same time. The adrenaline in me is kicking.

.....Taeyong. I blinked hard when I stared at his contact name. Should I call him up?

I enjoyed lots of things. The music, the ambiance, the food, I love everything about that dining house and there is something in it that makes me wanna comeback and feel again what did I feel on the first time I was there. Maybe because of him.

I hit my head because of the thought. I shouldn't have thought about that! He's no special.


Jennie was already outside the Street Lights when her phone started to ring. Even if she get a little bit of annoyed, she still chose to pick up the call. It might be important.

"Hello?" She was trying to hold back anger, it come out succesful.

"Jen, what's the name of the dining again?"

Her forehead creased. "Why?"

"Just—Just tell it to me!"

Jisoo's voice were a bit furious. She didn't even know the reason behind it.

"Street Lights. Why?"

She heard Jisoo groaned. Her friend even cursed. What's wrong with her? She thought.


Her friend's voice were deep and serious, their atmosphere was solemn.

"Hanbin is there at this moment."

When she heard the name of her beloved ex-lover, she immediately beamed and put her phone in to her jean's pocket. She didn't even mind to end the call with Jisoo. All she thought right now is Hanbin was there at the Street Lights and maybe there would be a chance for them. Maybe destiny is doing its way.

She hurriedly entered the dining house and her eyes were automatically searching for the person she was expecting. There was a hope and her heart is longing. She can't help but to anticipate everything.

She can feel her phone vibrating into her pocket. Jisoo was probably speaking and didn't ended the call. But she doesn't care, all she cares right now is...

Her eyes sparkled when she saw the guy she was longing to see. He never changed, but he improves. He looks so fine, it makes her heart hurt.

She was about to run over his table when she realized that he was not alone. He was with someone. Some... girl.

Way back then, she was searching for an answer. And when she gets it, she felt stabbed in the heart.

She closed her eyes and let her tears fall to her cheeks.

"You're crying again, and I hate it."

She opened her eyes and saw the guy she was not expecting.



I accidentally published the 3.5 chapter. I just hope no one sees it bc I don't want to update it yet (๑¯∀¯๑)

anw, have u seen nct's costume? jae looks so hot. and jungwoo... oh shit jungwoo u look like roSÉ!!!

did you enjoyed this book so far? if yes, please tell me ur thoughts about it. ty. 🙏

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