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"Are you now okay?" He asked me, with a once again, a sympathetic-sweet voice.

I nodded without giving him an eye contact. I was too embarrass from what happened. I felt very vulnerable especially when he saw me crying.

"You sure?" Taeyong asked once again. I can see in my peripheral vision that he was trying to catch my contact but soon failed because I just stayed looking straight.

"Of course, I am," I told him bravely. I was trying to hold back my emotions. My voice might cracked again, I hate it when I do.

He slowly nodded. Taeyong's gaze was now in me. He was shamelessly staring at me with a flashy eyes. I know he had a flashy eyes because I can feel it. I almost catched the bait but it was a good thing I didn't look at him back. I'm scared.

When he looked away, I sighed in relief.

We were now currently at an abandoned building's rooftop. He took me here when he saw me crying at the Street Lights.

"You're crying again, and I hate it."

I opened my eyes and saw the guy I was not expecting.


My voice were fragile like a glass and sad like the girls in Lang Leav's book.

His chocolate eyes softened when he heard me mutter his name. It makes me flatter but it's not the time to be flattered. I'm too wounded to be.

"I know a place where you can breath," he said softly, and it almost makes me melt too. "Will you trust me for the second time?"

Without thinking, I nodded vigorously.

I didn't even know why did I go with him. For the second time, I trusted him once again. And honestly speaking, I didn't regretted going here with him.

The rooftop and the set-up was strangely beautiful than I expected. Sure, when we first step in the building, I thought everything would be horrifying because the place seemed scary. But when we've gotten here in the rooftop, I unusually get calmed. The stars above and the perfect constellations made the magic in me and I think the idea is beautiful.

I looked up in the sky to see the stars. I use to hate stars but this is just mesmerizing. It makes me want to just stare at it all night. I love staring at it and it kinda reminds me of... him, Hanbin.

"You didn't expected I'll bring you here, are you?" He asked me.

My eyes automatically turned to him. He looks magical in the middle of the night. I kind of regretted looking but that was my auto reaction, I cannot do anything about it.

"Yeah," I said honestly. "But this is... beautiful."

His eyes softened, "It is."

A sudden long pause creeped the both of us. It was very awkward because we were just staring at each other. I don't know if that's what he thought too but that's for me. I even keep on looking up to the skies to ease the awkwardness.

"So, who's the guy?" He tried to start off.

I was a bit taken a back from his question. I tried so hard not to cry infront of him. It is a good thing that my system is cooperating.

"He's my boyfriend," I told him.

His expression changes into a blank one. "Bet he's your ex-boyfriend," He emphasizes that word ex.

Yeah, right. We are each other's ex. I almost forgot that.

"Yes indeed, he is," I said bitterly. "He used to be mine but he broked up with me with an unknown reason. But when I've gotten my answer, I was... devastated. There was so many questions running through my head. If I am not beautiful enough for him, if I didn't made him happy. He's with other girl. He was so happy and the thing is... I wasn't the reason behind hsi smile."

His jaw dropped.

"I'm sorry. It's just emotions who's killing me."

Why did I even say it to him? This is my problem and just like I always said, I don't want to be a burden to anyone else.

"You are deep," he said. "I never thought you would open up for me. I never saw it coming. I thought of you as a person who's a close book."

"I am," I proclaimed. But there was something in me that makes me want to vent my problems to him like a kid who say his problems to his parents.

"But why did you opened up?"

I fell silent. He waited for my answer but it was just the whisper of the wind who do. I clearly cannot answer his question because it is unanswerable question.

"Thank you for saving my ass once again," I thanked him, with a bit of sarcasm.

He gave me a grin. "That's nothing."

This is the 3rd time he've saw me crying because of my griefs and it made me wonder if this was a coincident or not.

"Would you mind if I play a song in my phone?"

I nodded. "As long as it's an indie and r&b."

The both of us looked at each other with a knowing look then we grinned. He do really understand me.

Dear turtle, you won't go far at
that speed
On top of that, the road is far and
Go after your scars have closed and
I'm serious, then I will let you go

It was davichi - turtle and it is one my favorites.

We both stayed silent as the music played from his phone. We entertained ourselves from just staring at the stars and thinking about our lives.

"I'm Jennie," I blurted out suddenly. He looked at me with a confuse face. "If you wanna know, I'm Jennie Kim. A college student."

He smirked at me then shakes his head as if he was amused. I suddenly felt shy from what did I just did.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2018 ⏰

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