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The rain is pelting down above me but I'm not feeling it. It's dark, but I can see the lightly-coloured roof clearly. I'm hot under my blankets, though I know it's quite cold outside of them. I don't dare slip my foot out. My hair is strewn across my pillow, scratching the back of my neck like sandpaper. The chilled air hits my face like a wave. I close my eyes and bring my arms out form their warm den of covers.

I sit up in my bed, blankets held around me like a body shield. My room looks as if it's been painted with oils and acrylics. The walls are wonky, and the carpeted floor looks lumpy in the dim light of the moon. My doona seems thinner and less covering but is still giving me more than enough warmth. I move my vision to the window next to me. I pull the curtains back a little and stare into the dark nothingness of the street. A plain, tar street, just like any other. Houses lining each side, street lamps giving less than enough light, clouds covering the sky like a roll of thick cobwebs. The rain is constant, banging and tapping on my window. It should irritate me, at least a small bit, but it's more comforting than annoying.

I take myself back to before, a crisp Autumn day. No orange leaves, but the smell of the breeze told me enough. The cluster of buildings were small and quaint, but enjoyable nonetheless.

The people were quiet, as was the street. The coffee was warm and comforting, a nice change to the rushed beverages and hustle and bustle of everyday life. And then, it was you, with your rose-red posture and yellow-white flavoured voice. Your piercing navy-blue smile captivated my eyes. You sat at table 12, sighed, and an amber feeling grew in my chest. You didn't notice me looking, the whole time I sat there. My lavender gaze met your piercing dark-green calmness like chocolate spilling from a fountain, and I drank in all I could, sipping the warm coffee as I did.

I left after I had finished and passed you on the way out. I never caught your eyes on me before I reached the door to the quaint place, but the amber feeling grew more as I left. It felt more like a woodland colour outside, the air thinner and cooler, the warmth of the coffee still coursing through me.

A flash of lightning brings me out of my daze, my hair still like thin twigs, my face covered in salty water droplets. A silly day dream, that could have been a real dream, that may have been an opportunity lost, or just another passing through of a soul who will forget or may not have even known.

The rain is now only pitter-patting, a lot calmer now than it was just minutes ago. I catch a whiff of the rain outside and wrap my blankets tighter around me. I sigh, letting stale breath escape my lungs. I know that I won't sleep now. My chest is too full of amber and navy-blue. The wonder and enjoyment that will keep me awake for however long, was created by you, and strangely, I don't mind.

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