Chapter 4 - The Reason Why

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"Rika sweetheart, are you going to school today?"

Rika's dad knocks on her door but no response. He sighs in frustration, debating on if he should go in or not. But when he tries the door it's locked. He knocks again, this time banging louder. "Rika! Hey kiddo you're gonna be late-"

The door slowly creeks open, Rika's violet eyes peering through the crack of her door causing her dad to shriek in horror.

"I'll be out in a minute."

Her dad raises an eyebrow, the hoarseness in her voice a clear sign that she'd been crying. He places his foot in the door to keep it open. "Are you alright sweetie?"


"RikaAAAAoooowwww!!!!" Rika slams the door onto his foot making him move it out of the way.

"I'm fine dad, I'll be out in a second." She sighs in annoyance. Walking to her bathroom she takes a quick look in the mirror taking in her haggard appearance. Bags under her eyes, tear stained cheeks. She quickly bandages up her wrists, opting for her long sleeved blazer for school. She gives up quickly on her appearance, simply washing her face and gathering her things. That's when she finally checks her phone from last night.

5:50pm Sunshine Boy: Hey Rika, sorry about what happened at lunch... Wondering if you made it home ok?

7:14pm Sunshine Boy: Kind of worried I haven't heard from you. I'm really sorry if I said anything wrong, I really didn't mean to pry or anything.

8:05pm Sunshine Boy: At least let me know that you're okay.

9:10pm Sunshine Boy: If you aren't at school tomorrow I'm coming over to make sure you're okay.

9:59pm Sunshine Boy: Good night Rika, I really hope you're okay... :(

"... What is this...." Rika places a hand on her chest, feeling her heart beat increase. She wasn't used to having someone worry about her other than her dad, and the feelings it was causing were so... Foreign. She slaps her cheeks, snapping out of it and heading into the kitchen. 'I'll just ignore these feelings for now... I guess.'

Rika's dad looks up from his paper, eyeing her with worry. "Did you not sleep well...?"

The purple haired girl shakes her head, grabbing an apple and heading towards the door. She pauses for a second, taking in a deep breath and turning her head around slightly. "It's fine dad, don't worry about it. Be safe."

With that Rika makes her quick escape, rubbing her eyes as she walks down the street towards school.

"Rika! Hey Rika STAAHP!!"

She stops at Mirio yelling her name. The same feeling she had when she read his texts reappearing. She slowly turns around, the blonde coming to a halt right next to her, slightly out of breath. He inhales deeply, staring down at her. Whatever he was going to say gets caught in his throat at the sight of her appearance. "Have you, have you been crying...?"

Rika gulps, looking away quickly and clenching onto her school bag. She shakes her head to regain composure. "I just didn't sleep well... Sorry about yesterday. It's just..." She bites her lip, holding back her thoughts from spilling out of her mouth. "I just have a hard time... Talking about my family is all."

"No I'M the one that should be apologizing!" Mirio jumps in front of her, bowing low and holding out a small plastic bag in his hand. Rika tilts her head to the side in curiosity. "I figured I said something out of place and I was so worried that you wouldn't even TALK to me anymore and I'm just so happy you are and- Well I bought this as a peace offering!!!"

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