Chapter 6 - The Morning After

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~Mirio POV~

You approach Rika's apartment with her still in your arms, walking gently as to not wake her up. Before you even get the chance to knock the door swings open, a man looking similar to Rika appearing in the doorway. His deep set eyes going wide at the sight of Rika.

"Um, excuse me sir, I'm guessing your Rika's father?"

"I am.... What happened to her?" The man asks, ushering you inside.

"She uh, well, we had a heart-to-heart I guess you could say and she kind of fell asleep."

Rika's father leads you into a livingroom. The apartment was small, but neat and cozy. You set Rika onto the couch there, gently laying her head on a pillow. Grabbing the throw blanket on the back on the couch you lay it on her, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. Words honestly couldn't express how you were feeling at this point. All you knew was that you wanted to help her in any way that you could.

"Did she tell you about her mom?"

You turn towards Rika's father, nodding and placing your arms on your sides. "Yeah, it's a lot to process yuh know. I just...." You look down at Rika, a warm feeling entering your chest, the way it always did when you looked at her. "I just want to help her in any way that I can."

The man ushers you into the kitchen, pulling out a chair for you. "Have a seat son, let's talk for a minute, if you have the time."

You eagerly sit down, gulping slightly. This wasn't how you planned on your first meeting with Rika's father to be, and to be honest you were pretty nervous. In the past few weeks that you and Rika had gotten closer she never once brought up you meeting her dad. You didn't want to push anything on her so you never brought it up, only asking simple questions about him every now and then.

Mr.Miamono grabs two mugs from a cabinet, pooring some coffee into each. He glances back towards you. "How do you take your coffee?"

"Oh, just black is fine sir. Thank you!"

The man puts a mug infront of you, sitting at the opposite end of the table. You can tell from the bags under his eyes that he was tired, probably has been for quite some time. He takes a long drink from his own cup, sighing and looking over at you.

"I can tell you and Rika are pretty close, huh? I mean, I've seen you walk her home plenty of times, and pick her up on the weekends. You know, ever since the incident, Rika hasn't had one friend. She never let's anyone get to too close," he sighs, "not even me."

You nod, taking a sip of the coffee. "It hasn't been easy, and honestly I feel like there's still a brick wall between us." 

"I don't know if that wall will ever come down." Rika's dad says, looking out of the window small window above the sink. His gaze turns to you, a serious expression in his old eyes. "But if anyone's gonna do it, I'd place my bet on you."

Before you can say anything you could hear Rika moan, stirring in her sleep. Mr.Miamono quickly jumps up, ushering you up as well and towards the door. He talks to you in a hushed whisper. "I don't think Rika should know about our little chit-chat here today." You nod in agreeance.  He grabs onto your shoulder before you can exit, giving you a tired yet hopeful look. "Listen son, I don't know why Rika's mom jumped that day. But if you can help us find out the reason, I'm hoping it will give Rika the closure she needs to move on."

"I'll do everything I can to help, especially if it's for Rika."


 ~Rika POV~

"Ugh, my head is killing me."

Rika sighs, slowly opening her puffy eyes. Remembering last nights events, her face heats up. "What the fuck was I thinking?? Opening up to him like that..."

"Rika honey are you awake? It's almost time for school!"

She hears her dad yell. She groans, throwing her legs over the bed and quickly getting ready for the day. When she enters the kitchen she eyes her dad wearily, wondering if Mirio had told him what happened between them.

Her dad looks up from the morning paper and smiles, "Good morning my beautiful daughter! Did you sleep well?"

"Uh, yeah I slept pretty good. Did you, I mean, how did I..." 

He raises an eyebrow at her, then realization hits his face. "Oh! Are you talking about last night? Yeah, some blonde haired boy dropped you off, saying his name is Mirio. He said he's your friend and that you fell asleep while you were studying."

Rika breaths a sigh of relief. "Good, Mirio didn't say anything." 

"Rika honey, you really should keep me up to date on your friends. For all I knew he was a murderer!" Her dad chuckles, taking a sip of his coffee. Satisfied with his answer Rika grabs her backpack, heading towards the door. 

"Have you seen your future with him yet?" 

She shrugs, shaking her head. "You know I don't like doing that stuff unnecessarily. I'm heading off!"

Rika walks down to the street, slowing down when she sees the bubbly blonde haired boy waving at her like a maniac. "Gooooood MORNING Rika!!!!" Mirio runs up to her, tossing her a coffee and a piece of toast. "I figured you hadn't eaten, seeing as if we don't hurry the heck up we're gonna be late-"

"Mirio..." Rika pulls on the sleeve of his uniform, looking away slightly. "About last night, I really am sorry..."

"Hey," Mirio turns towards her, placing his hand on her shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze. "There's nothing to apologize for. I'm going to help you find out what really went on with your mom, no matter what it takes."

Rika looks up at him, her cheeks turning pink and her heart racing. "He really wants to help me...?"

"Good morning you two!!!" Rika and Mirio both jump a little at the high pitched yell from Nejire, who was down the street a little. Mirio winks at her before turning towards Nejire and Amajiki giving them a wave. Rika sighs, downing her coffee and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 

"This is gonna be a long day."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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