Chapter 5 - Her Past

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It was mid summer, the blazing heat of the season coursing through a small apartment. Rika Miamono laid on her bed, coughing and hacking. She had been sick for the past few days but woke up much worse today. Her mother comes into her room, alarmed at how rough her daughter's cough sounded.

"Oh my Rika, you're running a fever." Rika's mom takes the thermometer out of her 7 year old daughters mouth, a frown on her face. She quickly goes to the medicine cabinet but doesn't find what she's looking for. Sighing she heads back to Rika, glancing at the clock.

"You're dad won't be home for at least a few more hours. I don't think we should wait that long... Here, Rika darling, let's go to the store. It'll only take a few minutes."

She quickly gets her daughter dressed, bundling her up as best as she could. With a worried look and another glance at the clock she takes Rika and heads out, her pace fast as she hurries to the store down the street.

Once there she begins gathering what she needs, until she accidentally bumps into a tall, dark looking guy. Her eyes go wide at the contact and she turns away quickly, putting down the medicine and beginning to make her way out. That is, until someone steps right in front of her, stopping her from leaving.

"Mommy, that man is scary..."

"Ssshh Rika..... What do you want?" Her mother glares at the large man in front of her, holding Rika closely trying to find a way out.

"We're gonna need you to come with us. Yuh see, the boss wants you. Hope you understand." The large man cocks an eyebrow at little Rika. "Hm, I guess we can take the brat too."

Suddenly Rika is throw over her mother's shoulder, clinging onto her as she punches the guy in the gut. He topples over and curses as Rika and her mother make their escape, running down the street. Her mother glances around frantically as more men make their way out of the shadows.

"Just come with us and make things simple, yeah? Boss just wants your- Where'd she go???"

Rika could hear one of the goons that was chasing them begin to shout. Her mother had teleported the both of them inside of a nearby building. Clutching onto her daughter she runs to a stairwell, throwing the door open and running up the stairs as fast as her legs could take her. Once she reaches the roof she finds a supply closet. She opens it up and places Rika inside.

"Mommy, why are we hiding?"

"Don't worry my little love. No matter what happens, know that mommy will always love you." She smiles down at her, placing a kiss on her forehead and closing the door behind her. "You just have to stay quiet Rika, so the bad guys don't find you ok??"

"Mommy it's too dark!!!!"

"So you thought you could outrun us, really?? Hah, pathetic."

Rika hears a commotion outside of the door, but she's frozen in panic. She wobbly stands up trying to see through the small cracks in the door. She sees at least 5 mean surrounding her mom, all with wicked grins on their faces.

Her mom casts her eyes downwards, walking back until she hits the edge of the building. A small smile plays on her lips, tears streaming down her face. She looks her enemies in the eyes, mustering up as much courage as possible.

And then, she jumps.


Rika removes her finger from Mirio's forehead ending her quirk. She couldn't think of a way to tell him, so instead she decided to show him exactly what happened, at least what she saw through her eyes.

"I couldn't do anything. I was young but I knew that if I so much as made a sound, they would find me. Shortly after that police found me in the supply closet...."

Rika stares at the ground, her eyes held only sorrow as she glances up at the blonde, his expression unreadable. "I've never told anyone about this.... I just, I have no idea why they wanted her. It's plagued me ever since it happened... And if I hadn't been with her, she wouldn't have jumped right? I mean, I must have been the reason-" Rika becomes frantic, her eyes watering as she begins to lose control of her emotions. The darkness swallowing her up again.

Suddenly a strong pair of arms wraps around her, a large and warm hand pushing her head into a broad chest. Mirio holds her tightly, placing his head ontop of hers. "It's ok to cry, Rika. You can cry all you want, as long as I'm here."

Those words. Those simple words shook Rika to her core. She'd always been told to be strong. That she shouldn't show the weakness in her heart or people would take advantage of it. But hearing those words from Mirio... At that moment Rika felt a small crack beginning to form in the barrier she had created all those years ago. She felt hot, heavy tears running down her face in earnest, small sobs escaping her lips. Holding onto Mirio like her life depended on it, clinging onto his now tear stained shirt. She let's herself go, falling apart in Mirio's arms.

~Mirio POV~

'This is crazy...'

It had been probably a solid 10 minutes since Rika had fallen asleep from crying. The both of you had been sitting there for over an hour. Once she started crying the tears wouldn't stop, so you just did the only thing you could. Held her, stroked her soft hair, wiped her nose with your shirt. Anything you could think of.

You gently place your arms under her legs, lifting her up bridal style and carrying her towards her place. Her tear stained cheeks caused a pain in your heart.

Conviction is clear in your mind as you decide what you have to do. Although you've only known her for a short time, you realize you'd quickly fallen for the fragile girl you held in your arms. All you wanted to do was make her happy, no matter what it took.

'I swear Rika, I'll help you find the real reason why she jumped... I'll help you be happy again.'

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