Chapter 10

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Sorry it's been so long since I've updated... I've just been extremely busy with my job and trying to find a new job because my new one sucks and my boss is really indecisive because she'll send me to do one thing and I get almost finished and then she gets me to do another thing and then she gets mad at me for not finishing the first thing when she demands I do the second thing right away... plus she always forgets to put me on the schedule...

Anyways, I'm planning on applying at a hotel do housekeeping... so I don't really have to socialize very much, which is awesome...

Sorry... rant over... I am moving at the end of the month, so I probably won't have time to update until after the September long weekend.

There will be some questions at the bottom that I would like everyone to answer... but only if you want to.. I want to get to know my readers better.

Chapter 10


            After taking a second shower to clean the once dried blood, I wrapped a towel around my waist and stood in front of the washroom mirrors to look at my reflection.

            A deep, dark purple bruise was starting to form along the entire front, left part of my rib cage. He must have gotten me pretty damn good for it to hurt this badly.

            You sound like a baby, Kyle. Get your act together.

            I can't help but wonder if I should do something manly to prove to myself that I'm not acting like a baby… like, should I check my muscles out in the mirror by flexing? But then I realize that that would be foolish, what if someone walked in?

            Oh my god… I can't believe I'm actually talking to myself about this. I must be crazy.

            I shake my head and pull my black t-shirt on over my head slowly, trying to not move very fast. Putting on my boxers and jeans was a little bit harder. I had to sit down on the bench just so I could bend down far enough to get my legs through the holes in the material.

            Grabbing my car keys, I head out to the parking lot for the second time that day, but this time, I had no reason to turn around and go back into the change room, hopefully Luke was out of both mine and Payton's lives forever. But of course, one can only wish such things.

            All I had to do now was head home, get a good night's sleep, and then in the morning, I would go and see Payton.


            I woke up to Emma coming in and jumping on me, which hurt. A lot. Especially because she did it right on my bruised ribs. So yeah, it hurt.

            "It's time to get up big brother! Mommy says you have to take me to ballet!" She yells in my ear.

            "Mmmgetoffameee…" I manage to wheeze out through gritted teeth.


            And that is how, two hours later, I ended up taking my sister to ballet, with her in her pink bodysuit and tutu. And that is also how I ended up sitting there, watching her, because she demanded that I stay to see her do all of her twirls and jumps.

            So, as of this moment, I'm sitting - bored to death, might I add - watching my sister and all of her little ballet friends dancing. Any other person might think it's cute, and I normally do, but right now, I really just want to go and see Payton.

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