Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


            The party is over the top. Not the best I've been to, and yet, definitely not the worst. It's over, and Carter is practically shoving everyone out the door since his parents will be home soon. My house is only a few blocks away, so I think I'll just walk.

            It's August, and a week before I start my senior year. This party was meaning to be the last bit of freedom of summer before we have school and everyone goes their separate ways. Anyways, it's a bit cold for an August night, so I pull my jacket closer around me.

            I look at my feet as I walk, my feet carrying me in the direction of home, through the memorized route. As I breath out, my breath comes out in white puffs. My body shivers as I pass an alley, there are glowing tail lights at the end. It's about 3 in the morning, so I'm curious about why someone would be driving in an alley at that time.

            I pass it and continue walking, but something just doesn't feel right, so I turn around and head into the alley. The tail lights that were there a few seconds ago, are now gone, and I can hear the screeching of tires on the other side of the alley.

             The alley is extremely dirty and disgusting, but that feeling is still there in the pit of my stomach, so I keep going. I gag when I come across 3 garbage cans, the smell reeking and horrifying. But once I get past the horrid smell, there is another smell. Copper. Or rather, blood. My stomach clenches and then unclenches when I see a mound of clothes and blood moving in the mud and leaves.

            I slowly step forwards towards what I can only think is a body. A shiver runs down my spine once I get far enough to see brown hair. I know that brown hair, I've seen it in the halls and in some of my classes since primary school. Slowly I crouch down and turn the body of the girl. I already know who it is, I just want to make sure.

            The clothes that cover her face and body fall away, showing a lot of skin. It's Payton. She isn't wearing clothes and her body is bleeding in numerous places. I might just get sick right now, I know I want to. Her skin is white like snow.

            I quickly rip my jacket off and put her arms through the sleeves, I don't look lower than her face. I zip up the jacket and pick her up. Her body hangs limply in my arms.

            If I couldn't see that she was breathing, I would have thought she was dead. The blood that continuously streams out of her body seeps through my clothes, making them sticky and dark. I take as much of her clothes as I can salvage and wrap them around her small, frail body that rests in my arms.

            I turn out of the alley, and take off running towards my house. I don't stop. Not even when I reach the front door and open it, yelling at the top of my lungs for my parents.

            Both my mom and my dad come running down the stairs in their bath robes, my mom's hair is messy as it normally is after she sleeps. My dad's is sort of normal, only a little bit messy.

            Mom doesn't wait for me to explain, seeing the blood that covers my shirt is enough explanation for her. She grabs her coat and her keys and ushers me out the door quickly, my dad staying behind to watch Emma, my sister.

            My drives as quickly as she can, stopping or slowing down when she needs to. I sit in the back seat with Payton's head in my lap. I make a mental note to wash out the car to get all of the blood that's seeped through the blanket, off of the seat.

            Some people think I can't be a softie, but I can. I might be a football jock and a heart breaker, but I have my moments. I just haven't found the right girl to love like that. Well I have, but I can't have her. She has a boyfriend anyways. And yet, here she is, in my arms and not his. Yes I'm talking about Payton. You would think that since I'm on the football team, that I can have anyone I want right? Wrong. Luke is on the team too, and he's a piece of work, let me tell you. He cheats on her all the time. She doesn't seem to notice it though.

            I look up and out the window to see how close we are to the hospital. It seems about 5 more minutes with the traffic, but I'm worried that I don't have that long.

            "Mom, I need to get out. She doesn't have much time left. I'll meet you there." I quickly say to my mom before opening the car door and gently pulling Payton out with me. She just nods at me and I close the door, then I take off running yet again.

            By the time that I reach the hospital, being 3 minutes tops, I'm out of breath. I rush to the emergency room, a nurse leading the way. They moment I get in, they have a stretcher ready for her. I lie her cold, limp body down on the white sheets that soon turn red from the never ending flow of blood from her body.

            They wheel her away and I go to follow, but they hold me back. I'm too tired to struggle, but I do anyways. More nurses have to come and help the 2 struggling to hold me back. It's only when my mom comes in that I fall to the floor in a heaping, crying mess. She comes and tries to help me up into a chair. However once I get up, I fall back down again because I pass out from exhaustion.

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