Puffles Part 1

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Puffles were small furry pets native to Club Penguin Island. Puffles were first discovered in November 2005, and were first adoptable in March 2006, being sold for 800 coins, which had since been reduced to 400 coins. Puffles were small, limbless creatures who ate Puffle-O's and other foods native to Club Penguin.

Over the years, twenty additional species of puffle (including real-world animal counterparts) were officially recognized and discovered. Of fourteen, twelve were permanently adoptable for members, two Puffle Creatures were permanently adoptable at the Pet Shop, two were adoptable for non-members, and six were temporarily adoptable at Prehistoric Party 2014 and Prehistoric Party 2016. The Rainbow Puffle and Gold Puffle were adoptable via quests starting at the Puffle Hotel Lobby and Pet Shop, respectively.

The Blue Border Collie and Orange Tabby Catbecame the first two permanently adoptable puffle creatures just prior to the Puffle Party 2014. Snowman Puffles became available at the Frozen Party, and Ghost Puffles became available at the Halloween Party 2014, a Blue Crystal Puffle became available at the Merry Walrus Party, after appearing in the TV special We Wish You a Merry Walrus. Alien Pufflesbecame available for adoption at Operation: Crustacean.

There were Puffle Parties that had been held in either February, March, or April since 2009. Each puffle had their own special area (during the Puffle Parties) and, sometimes, there were discoveries of new species.


Physical Appearance

Puffles originally appeared with rough cut fur and generic facial expressions. They had eyes and a mouth, but did not have noses. In 2011, they were updated with a new look both in-game and on the Puffle Card. In 2013, the puffles were shown in a somewhat mix of their original artwork and the 2011 artwork (when coming out of animations they may occasionally flash back into their original artwork).


Not much was known about puffle language. Their main sound was squeaking, as seen (heard) in Puffle Roundup and by mousing over the puffles in Aunt Arctic's igloo in Secret Mission 1. Puffles also seemed to be able to communicate with each other in some way because in many secret agent missions and/or EPF missions, puffles worked together without making any sounds. In the book The Great Puffle Switch, it was revealed that puffles could speak to each other without penguins understanding. It was also mentioned by Aunt Arctic in the newspaperthat she had been trying to figure out the puffle language and that Rockhopper could communicate with Yarr since they knew each other well.

Species Abilities

All puffles had special abilities, mainly involving telekinesis. Each species could summon a toy (varies from species to species) at will from mid-air. All puffles could summon hair brushes, bath tubs, and some puffles could summon color specific objects like a sleeping mask. Puffles also had a keen sense of treasure hunting and could also perform tricks.


Members could adopt up to 75 puffles, with no limit on the quantity of each coloration, while non-members could only buy up to 2 puffles of either red or blue. Former members could keep their extra puffles. Puffles were the only type of pets penguins can own.


Main article: Puffle Catalog

When a player clicked on a puffle, a full screen menu would show up with five different tabs. Each tab had corresponding options for the type of care. The options were as follows:

Food: This tab had options for you to feed your puffles. Food that appeared on this menu could be bought in the Pet Shop or from the interface. Most of the time, puffles would jump up and down for a food they like. If they didn't jump up and down at all, then they didn't like the food. The best way to feed a puffle was by giving one apple whenever the food bar is at a one-half point and 2 Puffle O's when it was empty.
Toys: The toys tab would show a ribbon of the basic toys for all the puffle colors you had. Additional, special toys could be bought in the Pet Shop. A puffle only played with its own toys (example: A red puffle would only play with bowling pins and cannons. It would not play with the white puffle's skates, the brown puffle's plane, etc.).
Care: The tab would show the basic care options for your pet. Here, you could give your pet a bath and brush their fur. The bath and brush features would appear in the interface.
Rest Tab: The rest tab would only show the Sleep feature. The feature would appear outside the interface.
Dress Tab: This tab allowed the penguin to put hats on puffles. You could buy the hats in the catalog or use codes to unlock them. All Puffles Creatures couldn't wear hats.
Pet Papers: Although not a tab, the puffle menu would show Pet Papers. Here, you could see your certificate of ownership, tips for Puffle Digging, or send your puffle back to its natural habitat.
Walk Tab: Since puffles could dig up food, this tab was created. It appeared at the left side of the interface and had a picture of a puffle on a leash.
Puffle Handbook: Although not a tab, the puffle handbook told you how to care for your puffles, information on the puffle color, and told you about their features. This handbook was also at the Pet Shop.
Not Caring: If you didn't care for your puffle, it would run away. When it ran away, it sent you a postcard to notify you.If you made all the bars full, then your puffle would perform a special action.

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