The dominance order is: Medium Tail > Swimming Tail > Fishing Tail > Stinky Tail> Tailfin > Hammer Tail > Scorpion Tail > Peacock Tail
FertilityEach creature has 2 copies of the fertility gene. A creature's fertility will be the sum of both copies of the gene; e.g. an animal with a high fertility gene (+3) and a medium fertility gene (+2) will have 5 fertility. Breeding success depends on the fertility of both partners; infertile animals (0 fertility) are unable to breed at all.
MISC. Magic Creature Beastiary
FantasyA book of MISC. magic creatures from various sources and media. If you know a game or toy line that has not enough specific creatures for it's own book, tell me and I'll see if I can write about the creatures in this book!