👑 Part 1 👑 chapter 1 Me, myself, and my family

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Question : How did you find this book on wattpad???

Go pray or study, the story can wait, there are more important things in life❤️❤️

This is the first draft, and I'm planning to reconstruct and rewrite the whole story In Shaa Allah.

This book is meant for fun, don't take it seriously, it tackles everything lightly.

This story is pure fiction, don't take the characters in it as role models, and relationships don't work in real life the way it does in this book.


Jannah pov

Here I'm, back in my hometown after spending all these years away, and the first place I find myself going to, is the grave of the only person that changed my life by his life and..... his death.

Who?? you maybe wondering!!!

Oh believe me, you don't want me to spoil it for you, it's a long long story.

So Let me tell you how it all began.

Time : The first day of my senior year.

Place : My home, my room to be accurate.

Characters : Me, Myself, And my family.

The alarm went off, announcing out loud the official beginning of a new school year with the same battles to be fought, the same small time victories I get to have, the same tough face to be worn daily in front of the bullies, every same thing, except for the fact that it was my senior year, and that was the first day. And I didn't know that this year would change what I've always taken for granted and would pretty much shape the rest of my life.

But in fact, I didn't need the alarm to wake me up, I was already awake, staring at the ceiling with my worst school memories flashing in front of my eyes.

I wasn't a very welcomed type of person at school, Well, I was kinda different, very different actually, I was the only muslim at school.
The only muslim and the only hijabi too.

Adding insult to injury, I was what is considered a nerd, yeah, your typical type of nerd, glasses, books, everything, I was one without even noticing it.

I occupied the highest spot on the bullies' favourite list of victims.
They would be like.. Hey Veronica.. We are bored, what should we do for today??... Let's turn the muslim's life into hell, Maggie!!!

I was considered an alien with green skin and eyes on my forehead amongst them. And guess what?? People hate what they don't understand!! I learnt that the hard way.

I had my hijab taken off my head and torn, I was spat at, shoved into lockers, beaten mercilessly multiple times that I had a black eye not once but twice.

Telling the teachers and the principles didn't help, it only made it get worse.


Oh God " I said to myself, taking a deep breath, as these memories took their toll on my heart.

After a deep dive into the past, I found that it was unhealthy to begin a school year with such negative thoughts so I tried to shake these thoughts off my head and left the bed to go and pray Fajr in it's time.

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