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*Narrator's Point Of View

Anastasia's hair whips against her face and her eyes narrows as she stares at the person in front of her.

"A hundred years?" Anastasia feels something in her voice, something powerful and commanding.

All of sudden, the guy in front of her drops on his knees and on the ground with his head bowed "I believe so"

Azrail feels a need to add something to his sentence, to complete it somehow, to show that he is loyal. 

'Why am I bowing anyway?' Azrail wonders before trying to get up and surprise courses through his veins when he fails to do so.

He can feel something powerful than himself, commanding him. 'I am stronger than this' He tells himself before summoning his will, his strength and forcing out of the magical barrier that surrounded him, staggering to his feet.

"Did you-?" He begins staring at the mundane- no, definitely not mundane- girl in front of him staring at her in a completely different view.

Her grey eyes are glowing, a golden colour emits through them and before he can question it, he feels himself thrown backwards.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" A thunderous inhumane growl escapes from the back of Anastasia throat. Anastasia can feel something stirring inside her, something that she was sure that she hadn't experienced before yet it was not unfamiliar.

The words hit Azrail like a sea wave crashing on a shore. The words command him to speak, to bow, to agree yet he disagrees with it.

"STOP!" He yells clutching himself as if trying to protect himself and then he feels it-

Silence. The storm which had began brewing without him noticing began receding and the winds calmed again, small peeks of mixture of orange and yellow light began emerging from the horizon announcing the sun rise.

The golden light in Anastasia's eyes disappears and to her and Azrail's surprise, she crumbles on the ground.

The last thing she sees is the sun emerging and a shadow loom over her head and then her eyes closes and the view of the world disappears.


Anastasia sighs as turns her head. She appreciated the soft bed kept under her groggily, refusing to open her eyes.

The bed was so soft, it felt as if she was on a cloud instead of a bed. Actually, it was way too soft. Definitely not hers.

Anastasia opened her eyes and gasped. The sky was littered with stars, something that she hadn't been able to spot in the polluted city of New York.

She turned her head, to see what she had been lying on and half shrieked as she realised that it was a cloud. Anastasia wrapped her arms around herself, scared to move. She peeked beneath the cloud and gasped when she saw New York beneath her. She rubbed her eyes and screamed and a dark haired guy entered the room with his hand on his ears.

"Can you keep it down?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

Anastasia began moving her hands wildly, pointing to herself then the cloud which she was lying on before screaming again.

Azrail was going to yell at her for waking him up when he noticed the frightened look in her grey eyes. He noticed her hands were trembling and she looked ready to freak out.

With a sigh he asked "What's wrong?"

Anastasia turned her wide-eyed gaze on him before speaking in a relatively calm voice "I am lying on a cloud and you are asking me what's wrong?"

Azrail was confused, hadn't he heard a mundane saying that he his bed felt like a cloud? He had presumed that bed was a synonym for clouds.

"Don't you lie on clouds called beds?" He asked

"They are made of cotton filled mattresses not half condensed water vapours." She looked into his eyes "I am dead ain't I?"

The wide eyes and the lost expression made Azrail think of a rabbit. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and Anastasia took that as a 'no'.

"You sure?" She asked warily as she looked down "I seem pretty dead to me"

"What did you do back there?" He asked comparing the golden eyed powerful girl to this grey eyed frail looking one.

"Back where?" Anastasia asked in confusion trying to recall. 

"The grave yard. How were you able to almost pull me under your command?" He asked 

"What- what are you talking about?" Anastasia asked feeling a little wary.

Azrail looked at her quizzically before speaking slowly "You were glowing last night"

"Oh, um, thank you? I do look radiant in white don't I?" She asked with a light laugh as she stared at him looking as if she almost expected him to scream like a banshee and sprout hair like an ape.

"No. You were glowing, your eyes actually. They were actually emitting light" Azrail explained with a frown, impatient to get some answers.

"I was..glowing? Like a star?" Anastasia asked looking utterly baffled.

"More like a small torch, but yes" Azrail says nodding his head.

Anastasia crinkles her eyebrows together and opens her mouth to say something and then her mouth snaps shut and her eyes widen.

"YOU KIDNAPPED ME!" She yells looking around as if just realising that this was not her room "WHERE THE HELL AM I?"

Azrail sighs and says 'heaven' wincing when he sees a look of pure panic cross her face.

"What?!" Anastasia screams "But you said I am not dead!"

"You are not" Azrail tells her, his hand on his forehead as if trying to control an oncoming headache.

"Then what am I?" Anastasia asks, her voice frightened and frail.

"An angel" 


Respected Angels,

I updated! Yay!

Yours truly,

A dark winged Angel

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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