chapter 3

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I remember one day me n her were going home together and she asked if I liked you and I said yes in sch one day she looked down and I asked whats wrong and she said she liked you i was shocked because she denied it every time she was asked . I told her that she should tell if if she felt it wouldn't put a strain to your friendship...but alas..I became the bad friend , the one who wanted her spot who wanted her happiness who wanted everything she had and wanted who was never satisfied
Everything happened so suddenly like I was surprised how she got mad at me when we started dating because many times she said she was no longer interested in you I asked if she only said it for my happiness but you said no tho the night we started dating she said she liked you and she wouldn't take you away but she still got mad all this happened during the weekend on Monday after exams I just left because I was hurt badly by her reaction she was like why did I not tell her I wasnt expecting it so I couldn't even explain I just said on Sunday we nor talk and twud have been mean on my part seeing that she was interested in you she said we'd talk about it later tho we never did till date seeing that she never mentioned it again I felt we were over it I felt worse also because when you asked if I was upset over something someone said about our relationship I lied and that lie still stands till date....
Then after highschool , she said things I never expected and I cried alot because that day too we broke up like I was just confused because I did not even know the one I was crying for my relationship with you or my friendship with her and how she made me feel like a really bad person . Fine we both apologised and said we'd put everything behind us but the words she said that day still burn me every time I think about it , I cry while I remember her saying I took I spot and everything it still hurts badly and I think that's what hurt me more . As always she still brought you into the conversation accusing me of things I never thought of ...we've settled now but the hurts are still there the words obviously can't be forgotten and most times it hurts me more how she takes time in replying my messages but replies others asap because I'd sooner start wondering what I've done again or if she is snubbing me again . Hopefully we'd put the hurt behind us and get to move on because love truly is all , its both mundane and magical and it breaks and makes us.......

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