(2) The Party

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Jason’s P.O.V.

            It was finally Friday.  I got ready for school and then got on my bike.  I got there and met up with Austin, we started making out for a couple minutes then went over to our group spot.  It seemed like Chandler has been acting weird lately.  Like every time I kiss Austin he looks away, do we… disgust him?  I hope not, he seemed fine with it when I came out.  Nothing special happened during school.  After school I kissed Austin goodbye, and told him to meet me in front of Chandler’s house at four o’ clock.

            I went home and took a quick shower, told my parents that I was going to Chandler’s house, and got dressed.  I then walked over to Chandler’s house.  When I got there I looked at my phone and it was 3:57pm.  I looked around for Austin but he wasn’t here yet, so I decided to text him, ‘Hey babe when you get here just come inside, I’ll be waiting for you :)’.

            I knocked on the door.  Chandler, who said, “Hey dude”, quickly opened it.

            I responded with, “’Sup.”

            “Where’s Austin?  Is he coming?”  Chandler asked as I walked inside.

            “Yea, he’s coming.”  I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.  I walked inside and sat on his couch waiting for Austin.  I am kind of hoping to get him drunk, so that we can… you know…

            While I was waiting I saw Wes, Josh, and some more people that I don’t know come.  I finally saw Austin walk in at around 4:10.  When he walked in he immediately saw me and walked over to me.  I greeted him with a kiss and then he said, “Hey babe,”

            “Hi.”  I responded, and then kissed him again.  “You want a drink?”  Hopefully he’ll say yes.

            “Sure.”  I walked over to where the beers were and got a couple, then walked back over to Austin.  I gave one to him and we sat down on the couch.  We pretty much didn’t do like anything, except for him drinking and me doing my best to seduce him.  After a couple hours he was drunk and I was trying really hard for this.  I was making out with him while straddling him on the sofa.

            I think I was just about to get him, but Chandler interrupted me, “Hey, Austin can I talk to Jason alone for a second.”

            “Sure, I need to go to the bathroom anyway.”  I got off of him and he kissed me quickly, and then stood up.  He looked at Chandler and asked groggily, “Where’s the bathroom?”

            “Up the stairs, second door on the left.”  Chandler replied.  Austin then dizzily walked over towards the stairs.  I looked over to Chandler.  He looked like he was nervous about something.

            “Watcha want to talk about?”  I asked him.

            “Uh, I just wanted to ask… uh… how’s the party so far?”

            “It’s pretty good.  I’m having a good time.  How about you?”

            “I’m having a good time too.”  He smiled at me so I smiled back.  I heard someone coming down the stairs so I assumed it was Austin.

            “That was a pretty fa-” Chandler wrapping his arms around my neck interrupted me.  He moved my head to look at him and then he pushed his lips to mine.  I was stunned by what was happening.  I saw Austin’s eyes widen out of the corner of my eye.  He then quickly ran out the front door slamming it behind him.  I quickly pushed him away and got up.  I ran to the door and quickly glanced back at Chandler, who sat on the couch smiling, biting on his bottom lip.  I looked away and opened the door, then ran out slamming it behind me.

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